Page 36: “In 2015, Washington DC, Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, and Wisconsin all experienced nearly double the number of armed robberies than the previous year. Indiana experienced 168 prescription drug armed robberies in 2015, which made it the only state with more than 100 pharmacy armed robberies in a single year in the last seven years 19 (see Figure 29). In 2016, Washington DC, Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, and Wisconsin all experienced fewer pharmacy armed robberies than the previous year.

Indiana pharmacies experienced 367 robberies from 2013 through May 2016. California, which has a population almost six times larger than Indiana,
experienced 310 robberies during the same time period. Many pharmacies
in Indiana have increased security by adding armed guards and time release
safes to protect certain medications, such as opioids.”

Page 39: “Between 2014 and 2015, incidents of theft — to include customer theft, employee theft, and nighttime break-ins — increased for 28 states.
The greatest percentage of increases occurred in Wisconsin, Montana, Ohio, and Indiana. In 2016, incidents of theft in Ohio and Wisconsin had further increases, while theft in Montana and Indiana decreased. The total number of theft incidents greatly exceeds those of armed robbery.”

Page 79 “In 2016, the majority of domestic [methamphetamine] laboratories were in the Great Lakes and Southeast OCDETF Regions. Indiana and Michigan had the most laboratory incidents with 945 and 665 respectively, representing 36 percent of all laboratory incidents nationwide.”

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