2005 Salary Schedule Revised
September, 2004

The Judicial Conference Board of Directors approved several changes/additions to the Minimum Salary Schedule for Probation
Officers at its September meeting. Please note that the changes do not affect the 2005 salary levels. The changes are as follows:
(1) left column of salary grid now refers to "years of experience";
(2) the first bullet under the grid was added to define salary; (3) the third bullet was added to explain how to determine years of experience for part-time probation officers; (4) an example of how probation officers move up the salary schedule was added to Direction #1 on page 2; (5) the language "within the last 10 years" was deleted from Direction #6 on page 2.

2005 Salary Schedule (62k pdf)

The schedule is also available on the Judicial Center's website. If you have any questions, please contact your District Representative.

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Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana, Inc.
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