Outstanding Service Award Winner

Kathleen Rusher was presented the Outstanding Service Award in Allen County. Ms. Rusher is the Assistant Chief Probation Officer in the CHINS Division of Allen County Superior Court, the Model Court Lead Facilitator and the Court Liaison to the Office of Family & Children. She has been instrumental in the Court Improvement Project that has made Allen Superior Court the State model for reform in the areas of child abuse and neglect. Ms. Rusher has played an integral role in the creation of Great Kids Make Great Communities, the county-wide youth development initiative aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of adults in working with children.
Ms Rusher was described as a true servant leader. “She seeks first to serve others and by doing so, she leads. Her focus and dedication is always on successful outcomes for those most in need-both children and their families. Her passion for this challenging work, and her tireless drive to assist others around her to be the best they can be in their work, and her tireless drive to assist others around her to be the best they can be in their work on behalf of children and their families, has won her the respect an admiration of her colleagues, both within and outside the of the Court.”

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