2004 Conference Summary
November 23, 2004
The 2004 POPAI Fall Conference was held September 21st - 23rd at Pokagon State Park with over 180 probation staff in attendance. POPAI President Eric Zimmerman welcomed participants and presented the 2004 Founders Award to Tim McAlhany, CPO from DeKalb County Probation.

Breakout sessions were well received and included training on topics including Functional Family Therapy, Administrative Sanctions, Field Work, Drug Dogs, Juvenile Law, "What Works", Retirement Planning, and much more.

Following dinner, Keynote Speaker Brad Montgomery entertained attendees with his mixture of laughter and magic and encouraged all to enjoy the "Ordinary Magic" in their everyday lives. "Life is fun and funny and filled with magic," stated Brad as he persuaded us to take more time to enjoy the simple things in life such as laughing with our children. According to Brad, "magic" happens every day in our ordinary lives and by taking advantage of the fun that's right in front of us, we will be happier and healthier.

Following the keynote presentation, Correctional Management Company hosted a reception and the band "Poppin Fresh". Those attending were fortunate to learn some hip new dance moves from our own Neil Hannon, CPO of Porter County Probation.

Breakout sessions were offered again on Wednesday and time was also provided for attendees to relax a little and network with others in the profession. A "Shrimp Boat" reception on the lake was provided by Southwest Indiana Regional Youth Village.

The conference wrapped up on Thursday with closing speaker Marcia Newman from the Greenleaf Center in Indianapolis. Mrs. Newman gave on overview of the concept of "Servant Leadership" which contends that the best leaders are servants first.

Thanks to all of the presenters (many of whom were volunteer) and especially to our Corporate Sponsors Correctional Management Company and Southwest Indiana Regional Youth Village for their generous contributions.

Plans are already underway for the 2005 conference which will be held September 19th - 21st at Caesars Conference Center close to Jeffersonville, Indiana. Mark your calendars now and look for future information in the mail and on the POPAI website. Anyone with suggestions regarding the conference or POPAI training events in general may contact Susan Rice, POPAI Training and Conference Planner at

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Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana, Inc.
P.O. Box 44148
Indianapolis, IN 46244