To sign up for updates to this Forum, log in then click HERE.

Updates will include:

  • Minutes/Materials from Indiana Statewide EBDM Policy Team.
  • Minutes/Materials from six (6) statewide EBDM Work Groups. Groups meet monthly to work on specific areas of EBDM.

Indiana EBDM Work Groups:

(1) Pretrial – Chairs: Judge Surbeck (Allen County) and Larry Landis (Public Defender Council).
Concentration: SAMPLE Pretrial Program documents, policies, procedures.

(2) Professional Development – Chairs: Jane Seigel (IOCS) and Julie Lanham (DOC)
Concentration: Training for EBDM and Pretrial projects.

(3) Data – Chairs: Dave Murtaugh (ICJI) and Lisa Thompson (Court Technology)
Concentration: Collecting and analyzing data for EBDM, Pretrial projects, and Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

(4) Mental Health – Chair: George Brenner (LCSW)
Concentration: Working toward more mental health (includes addiction) treatment services for EBDM, Pretrial projects, and JRAC.

(5) Risk Reduction Strategies – Chairs: Dan Miller (Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council) and Mary Kay Hudson (IOCS)
Concentration: How to include EBDM into plea negotiations and sentencing.

(6) Behavioral Responses – Chair: Chris Cunningham (IACCAC)
Concentration: Sanctions/responses for pretrial misbehavior, use of incentives for pretrial, bail guidelines.


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