POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 03/09/2016
10:31am EST
- Linda Brady, President
- Adam McQueen, Vice President
- Mignon Ware, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
- Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
Secretary's Report
Linda asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the Executive Board meeting minutes from February. Joe motions to accept the minutes, Cherie 2nd. All in favor, motion carries
Treasurer's Report
Linda reports that as of February 29, 2016 there is $75,398.41 in the checking account and $17,035.34 in the savings account. C.J. motions to accept the Treasurer’s report, Adam 2nd. All in favor, motion carries
Adam provides follow-up on last meetings vital documents discussion. Karen is looking into options for storing the records in i.e. “the box” (like the cloud). The benefit would be that documents could be dropped in and retrieved for viewing as needed. Discussion.
Linda reports that we currently have 908 POPAI members (820 Probation Officers; 34 Corporate). Susan indicates there is no update on the database. A membership report will be provided at the April Executive Board Meeting. Discussion. District Rep’s are encouraged to reach out to counties with no POPAI presence.Education
Susan reports that the numbers are down for the upcoming Management Institute / CPO Summit April 6, 7, and 8.There are only 65 registrants (10 new CPO’s, 55 Management Institute/CPO summit). Discussion. Linda suggests posting another article on the website and reaching out the Chief PO’s. District Reps may assist with follow-up. An email will be sent to the full membership. Reminder that the hotel room registration deadline is March 14, 2016. The New Chief’s training is at IJC and the Management Institute and Chief’s Summit are at the Sheraton at Keystone. Discussion. Linda updated on possible training opportunities after speaking with Angie Hensley for both Probation and Community Corrections staff. Discussion. Linda and Adam will discuss at JRAC ways to collaborate trainings between Corrections and Probation. Linda reports that the DOC focus group met on March 3. The next session is set for March 24. Probation wants to stay involved and informed with the results from the focus group. Discussion. The PO Annual meeting agenda is almost complete. Mark Carey will present on Thursday, Advanced Motivation Interviewing will be offered with a limit of 40 PO’s who have had MI 101 or ECMS. Discussion. Susan states there is no report on the Fall POPAI Conference in French Lick, IN. She will set a conference call date soon with the Education Committee. No updates on the November 2016 Regional Meetings
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg – no report
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
The teams of 8 will attend the upcoming conference on March 16 and 17. Discussed possibility of offering a follow-up session at the POPAI Fall Conference.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
No update. Next meeting April 12, 2016Election
Brian will post the intent to run form on the websiteAwards and Recognition
C.J. worked with Karen on the Knepple application and will post on website and forward a reminder email to the membership. Information on PO of the year, Rookie of the year, and Founders Award will be posted soon also. Susan added that APPA is taking nominations for Line Officer of the year for the summer conference.
Linda reports that the weekly legislative updates from our lobbyist is posted in the Members Only discussion area of the POPAI website. All pieces being watched by probation are still alive, except the early retirement – H.B.1325. The next full JRAC meeting is scheduled for April 14. Community Corrections grant announcements will be made mid to late April 2016. Discussion. JRAC Legislative Committee meeting will be held April 7 from 10am-12noon (same days as Management Institute). Agenda item: The word “committing” in reference to violating probation/community corrections by COMMITTING a new offense in IC 35-38-3-3. Prior to a recent JRAC discussion, the DOC (upon the advice of their legal department) was interpreting the word “committing” in the statute as “convicted.” However, some judges and IJC staff attorneys say that “committing” in this probation violation section of the statute refers to being found to have committed a violation of probation, whether the probationer admits to committing the new offense or is found to have committed the offense by the judge during the Evidentiary Hearing. IC 35-38-3-3 No commitment of misdemeanants and Level 6 felons to the department of correction; exceptions; sheriff’s per diem for offenders not committed to the department (d)After December 31, 2015, a court may not commit a person convicted of a Level 6 felony to the department of correction, unless: (1) the commitment is due to the person violating a condition of probation, parole, or community corrections by committing a new criminal offense;
Old Business
Linda reports that the Indiana Pretrial Release Project met on January 29, 2016 and is finalizing the pilot project criteria. The Committee submitted a project status report to the Indiana Supreme Court. The Committee intends to recommend to the Supreme Court that the pilot project operate with four minimum criteria (based on NIC’s Elements of a High-Functioning Pretrial System): • Pre-Initial Hearing screening • Risk Assessment • Differential Supervision • Data Collection The Committee has also finalized the proposed rule governing the use of pretrial release statements for the Supreme Court’s consideration. The language of the proposed rule is contained in the status report. Furthermore, the committee has identified the data that pilot jurisdictions will be required to collect for the purposes of project evaluation. Representatives from the Pilot counties are attending pretrial training sponsored by NIC this week in Colorado. Discussion. The Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Project held a meeting on March 4 with the State EBDM Policy Team and the local EBDM Teams (Hamilton, Hendricks, Bartholomew, Jefferson, Tipton, Porter). The purpose of the meeting was to update one another on the teams’ progress in Phase V, to determine ways in which we can align the local and state team change targets to maximize results, and to discuss next steps in Indiana’s application as a Phase VI EBDM side. Linda asked if there is an interest in hearing from EBDM counties at the POPAI Fall Conference? Discussion. Linda indicates there is no progress on the Board, Committee Member, and/or Contractors Job Descriptions.
New Business
The Indiana Public Defender Council Smart on Juvenile Justice: Access To Justice Indiana State Planning Grant – Linda was invited to attend the Juvenile Defense Stakeholder Meeting on Friday, March 11 on behalf of POPAI. There will be one additional planning meeting in the next 6-12 months. Linda will send information to the Board to see if others are interested in attending.
Next Meeting
The April Executive Board Meeting will be held Thursday April 7, 2016 over the noon hour of the Management Institute.