POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 12/09/2015
10:30am EDT
- Linda Brady, President
- Adam McQueen, Vice President
- Mignon Ware, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
- Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
Secretary's Report
Linda asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the November report, and if there were any additions or corrections. Adams motions to approve the November Board Meeting minutes, CJ seconds, no discussion, motion carries
Treasurer's Report
Linda reports that the balance in the checking account as of 11/30/2015 is $63,390.66. The amount in the savings account as of 11/30/2015 is $17,034.50. Information in the 2015 Budget Report shows that POPAI’s spending is slightly less than what was projected for the year. The committee has “met” over email thus far and reviewed the 2014 budget as well as this year’s budget. Troy pulled together averages for income and expenses in each category for the previous five years, excluding 2012 as this was a year we did not have an extensive fall conference due to APPA. If anyone on the Board has a proposal for major changes in funding in any category next year, please speak with Christine, Bob, or Troy. The Budget Committee will provide their recommendations at the January 2016 POPAI Board Meeting. Adam provides a budget recommendation for 2016 submitted by Karen Oeding (Website Administrator) as it relates to Technology/Website: I suggest we ask for a $3855.86 in the budget for 2016. $3000 (baseline for Karen) + $355.86 (can be less if you like for 3 years of hosting and domain name) + $500 (extra in case we add to my routine tasks or have something special come up with the database) = $3855.86. Bob requested that a copy of Karen’s proposal be submitted to the Budget Committee (Troy, Bob, and Christine) for review and for planning purposes. Cherie motions to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Brian seconds, no discussion, motion carries
Adam provides the report from Karen that we kept the Membership informed with breaking news from the JRAC (in October), created Department Invoices, and kept up with routine (but critical) tasks including backups. The committee is looking at ways to recognize POPAI members with 5, 10 and 15 years.
Linda reports that POPAI has 891 total members, of which 805 are Probation Officers and 34 are Corporate Sponsors. Susan reports that she has received 2016 dues payments from 16 counties so far. The accuracy of the database has greatly improved and they continue to update the information. Discussion. Linda requests that Susan provide a report to the Board at the January meeting of dues paid by county.Education
Susan reports that the Chief’s Executive Committee meeting will be held in Miami County on January 15, 2016 to start planning for the New CPO Training/Management Institute/CPO Summit scheduled for April 6, 7, 8, 2016. In planning for the Fall Conference in French Lick, IN we are seeking suggestions for big name speakers. Linda spoke with Janie Seigel regarding partnering with IJC to train probation leaders regarding EBP organizations (and some of the differences in). Linda suggests that Susan contact Mark Carey to check his availability. In addition, it’s discussed that sample materials be put in the member’s only section of the website to assist counties when preparing grants, policy language, etc.
Chief's Executive Committee
Linda reports that the planning meeting will be held Friday January 15 in Peru, IN to discuss New CPO Training/Mgmt Institute/CPO Summit
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory reports that the last meeting was in November. Fourteen counties expressed an interest in joining the expansion. They have some additional processing to do, but will increase services and providers for the youth served in Indiana. He recently attended the Casey Foundation luncheon where other agencies like DMHA, IDOC, and Workforce Development were present. Justices’ David and Rush spearheaded the meeting to discuss what JDAI is about and the outcomes. Lastly, DMHA joined JDAI and became the 5th Network Provider.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
The PO Regional meetings were held in November and the Power Point information about HEA 1006 was posted on the POPAI website. Due to the large number of new POs hired with the new DOC grants, there will be a new PO Academy (Orientation) held the last week of January in addition to the regular one in March or April. District 16, which represents Lawrence, Jackson, Martin, Orange, Washington, Dubois, Crawford, and Harrison counties, is currently vacant. If any PO is interested in representing this District on the Board, please email Jenny Bauer at IJC or Troy Hatfield. The next meeting will be held on January 12, 2016.Election
Brian indicates that District 4 (Blackford, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison, Randolph, Rush, Union, and Wayne counties) is still vacant. Discussion. Adam will reach out to a prior district representative applicant to see if she still has an interest in the position. A reminder was made to post the intent to run form in May 2016.Awards and Recognition
CJ says he made contact with Jimmy Taylor and received the contact information so plaques can be ordered for outgoing Board Members. A reminder was made to post the Knepple Scholarship information on the website around March 1, 2016.
Linda stated Community Corrections grant applications are due January 31, 2016. An email should have been sent to all CC Directors and CPOs. The DOC will conduct a training webinar on December 17. She is unsure of the time or the numbers of those who may view. All Chiefs must submit a collaboration plan. Linda asked for the board to think about how we can help our Chiefs. Linda said there were some great ideas that were submitted and ultimately did receive funding. Sara said her county is reviewing their jail programming because of the impact of the Level 6 clients. Sara also said they received funding for a quality assurance person, which reinforces the collaboration plan. The Corrections and Criminal Code Interim Study Committee final report has not yet been filed but was due November 1, 2015. The JRAC Legislative Committee is working on cleaning up the HEA 1006 (of 2015) language to be more clear of the intent.
Old Business
Linda reports that the Indiana Pretrial Release Project participants were invited to a view a webinar in November regarding the characteristics of a high-functioning pretrial release program. They were then invited to attend a training workshop at IJC the following week. Jurisdictions that wish to continue as Indiana pretrial pilot counties must advise the IJC by January 8, 2016 of their intent to participate.
Next Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 in person at the Marion County Probation Southside Office, weather permitting. Adam motions to adjourn, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:26am EDT