October 14, 2020

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 10/14/2020

Adam opened the meeting, conducted through zoom, at 10:35 am.


  • Adam McQueen, President
  • Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
  • Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Linda Brady, Past President
Secretary's Report

Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the September Secretary’s Report. Mike made a motion to accept. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

CJ provided the October Treasurer’s Report. As of September 30, 2020, the balance in savings was $17,080.15 and $72,177.09 in checking. He is waiting for one invoice from Susan. Cherie made a motion to accept and Melanie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. CJ also provided the updated budget report.


Karen sent everyone the report prior to the meeting. Troy stated Karen is working on updates to the website and has submitted a proposal for updates/changes to the website. Linda asked if we have provided Karen a bonus recently and if not, that we consider doing so.

As of October 9, 2020, we had 1,007 Total Current; 928 POs; 22 Corporate; 58 Other Adam stated there could be a discrepancy in the actual number of active members.


2020 POPAI Fall Conference – Susan was unavailable during the meeting, but different board members received great feedback from the conference. Officers liked the interactive format and the information provided. We are unsure about the 2021 Management Institute and will have more information soon. IOCS Justice Services Conference will likely be virtual in late April or early May.

Chief's Executive Committee

Greg sent an email to Troy, but did not have any additional information.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

No report at this time. If Esther Kaelin receives an update, she will send the information. Sarah stated JDAI recently had a conference and suggested that we reach out to them if we plan to have a virtual conference in the spring.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Heather Malone & Sarah Lochner. No update because the meeting is next week.

Michael stated his term is upcoming so new committee members will need to be assigned. Troy stated the four new district reps will be on the committee and they will determine a chair. Heather volunteered to be the Chair. We discussed voting electronically and the new election committee can discuss/determine if needed. The new members are:  Pres – Adam McQueen; Sec – Cherie Wood; D2 – Heather Malone; D4 – Mike Small; D6 – Lindsey Villalpando; D8 – Mignon Ware

Awards and Recognition

The Rookie of the Year Recipient award was mailed and the information was posted on the website.

Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative

Last meeting – September 25th and the next meeting will be October 28th Adam stated at the last meeting: Mental health services were discussed. They will try to determine the availability across the state. Quick response groups – POPAI was not asked to provide information that he collected. He did forward the responses to IOCS. They discussed possibly using 3rd year law school students for initial hearings. Potential legislation discussed, but to the degree in which to see where JRAC stands on the topics. Budget for 2022 and 2023 discussed. DOC has extended 2020 grants by 6 months because they are uncertain of the funding available thereafter. EBDM is now moved to JRAC.


Legislative priorities for 2021 – Funding Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code – Final report – They had 3 meetings. Linda stated the biggest topic was the definition for consent regarding rape, but it does not appear legislation will move forward from that discussion.

Old Business

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee Troy stated the bylaws have been approved and the strategic plan was updated. There will not be any upcoming updates. Members – Troy, Adam, Michael, and Sarah Commission for Race and Fairness: Lakisha sent Troy and email and although her term has expired, she wants to stay involved with this update. Conference Planner and Membership Coordinator Adam explained the executive board conducted a zoom meeting on Oct 2 to discuss the applicants. Adam said the committee decided on Karen Oeding for membership coordinator. We believed due to her internal knowledge of the data base and work ethic, she would be very suited for the position. There is concern the number of active members may not be accurate and we hope Karen can determine such. Adam wants her to begin working on the database now so she will be paid a set amount for Oct, Nov and Dec. In January 2021, the new contract will begin. The income will be based on $5 a paid member and a minimum of $5000 a year. Troy made a motion to approve Karen Oeding as the 2020 Membership Coordinator for an interim contract for Oct, Nov and Dec, which will be a total of $1250, based on the current pay schedule. Troy also made a motion to approve Karen Oeding for the 2021 Membership Coordinator, enter into a yearly contract as of January 2021, with payments of $5 a member and a minimum of $5000 per year. This will be a yearly contract, Jan 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. A discussion followed regarding the contract and if it should be yearly. Troy and Adam explained the executive board had a very lengthy conversation about this. Since we have new contractual members with specific responsibilities, we decided to have a yearly contract. There was concern about when the invoices will be sent. We discussed the duties of the coordinator and how that will be handled. Adam stated the Executive Board selected Anthony Williams from Marion County as the Conference Planner. Anthony has coordinated large events and is involved with numerous agencies/committees. If the board approves Anthony for the position, Adam will contact him today. This contract will be from November 1 to Oct 31 each year. The payment scale will be $15 per paid attendee and $25 per corporate member who attends/displays at the conference. Melanie made a motion to accept Anthony Williams as our Conference Planner from Oct 31, 2020 until Nov 1, 2021. Troy seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.   Troy made a motion to award Susan Rice the Life Membership status. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. There will be continued discussion about POPAI providing a gift to Susan.

New Business

We reviewed Troy’s list of the 2021 POPAI meeting dates. This is subject to change. Budget committee appointments for 2021 budget. Adam, Troy, CJ and Cherie. We will table the date/discussion of the actual meeting. APPA 2021 Winter Institute (Seattle in February) – likely virtual 2021 Summer Institute (Boston in August) – hopefully in person 2022 Winter Institute (Atlanta in January) – hopefully in person Adam updated everyone on the status of the APPA Conferences. After discussion with the executive board, Cherie’s registration from the fall 2020 conference will be applied to the summer conference, in Boston, assuming that will be in person. Adam, Troy and Sarah spoke with Brian Riggs, who has presented at one of our previous conferences. They conducted a conference call w/ him regarding a mentorship program. Sarah said it would start as a leadership class. He could mold his program to POPAI’s specific needs. Personal and professional development will be 2 of the main objectives. The estimate will be $5-$10,000 to have 40 people involved in the program. Once other information is received, Adam will forward and have additional discussion. Adam asked everyone to review the different committees and to notify him if you want to be added/removed, to notify him by the next meeting. The committees will be determined at the November Meeting. Troy was asked by APPA if we would send a survey to our members. Troy suggested that he post an article on the website w/ the information. A discussion followed and he will do so. Adam will send everyone Anthony’s email to us.

Next Meeting

Executive Board Meeting – THURSDAY, November 12, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. EST via Zoom