POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 05/12/2021
Troy called the meeting to order at 10:33 am.
- Troy Hatfield, President
- Sarah Lochner, Vice-President
- C.J. Miller, Treasurer
- Cherie Wood, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
- Mike Small, District 4 Rep
- Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
- Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
- Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
- Adam McQueen, Past President
- Esther Kaelin, JDAI Representative
- Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
- Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator
Secretary's Report
Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the April Secretary’s Report. CJ moved to accept the April Secretary’s Report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
CJ provided the April Treasurer’s Report. As of April 30, 2021, the balance in checking was $68,261.16 and in savings $17,081.14. He does not have any outstanding matters that need to be resolved. The 2020 taxes have been submitted. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Karen stated the website is in great condition. She discussed the members only section of the website and suggested that we remove that area from the website. She is also reviewing ways to promote our legislative section.
Michael made a motion to remove the members only section on the website. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
As of May 6, 2021: 936 total members, 870 POs, 11 Corporate, 55 Other.
Karen stated we have a new corporate member; the membership numbers are correct and the Payments (checks and PayPal are going well. We also received one electronic payment. She wants the members who register for the fall conference to know their membership status (paid/not paid).
Anthony suggested an email prior to the conference advising the current members their membership is current.
Anthony discussed the different levels of sponsorship that would be offered to the corporate sponsors. A discussion followed. The corporate membership levels will include the corporate dues. The maximum time for video will be 3 minutes.
Sarah made a motion that we begin the new level of corporate membership which will include an option of a 3-minute video. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Troy discussed the survey regarding the fall conference. Around 70% of those who responded stated they will allow staff to attend in person and prefer an in-person conference. Lindsey was currently at a conference at French Lick and was able to discuss the adjustments that have been made.
Cherie made a motion that the 2021 POPAI Fall Conference be held in person. CJ seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Anthony discussed the call for proposals for presenters. Anthony will forward to all CPOs and to the current providers in Marion County. We will need 15-20 break out sessions. Troy suggested the information be placed on the website as an article.
Lindsey suggested the information be sent to community corrections as well.
Chief's Executive Committee
No update
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Esther’s report:
Office Hours held on 4/21 focused on release rates – although admissions are down, ALOS remains unchanged or has increased in some sites, especially for youth of color. It brought attention to the need to keep our eye on the ball in this work!
Office Hours scheduled for next week – May 19th at 2:00 hosted by the State Admissions and Screening Workgroup. It will be a deeper dive into the override definitions and how to implement in local sites.
State Steering Committee held last week and included panel discussion about implementation of the jail removal piece of SB 368. We had judges from counties with and without detention centers, representatives from the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association, representatives from Madison County where they have held waived and direct filed youth in their secure detention facility for several years, a representative of the Indiana Juvenile Detention Association and representatives from the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. The panel had a great discussion about how this will impact local practice when it goes into effect on July 1.
Adam discussed if POPAI should be post the information regarding the changes that will occur as of July 1 (SB 368 – incarcerating juveniles in an adult facility). Troy stated that will be one of the topics at the Juvenile Judge Meeting. Sarah suggested we ask Nancy from JDAI to write an article for the website. Esther will speak to Nancy about this and it was suggested this could be a topic for a break out session at the fall conference.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
They have not met since the last meeting. Sarah did forward an email to Chris regarding Intrastate Rules on the website because they are only available for adults. Troy suggested POAB discuss the possibility of developing/adding Juvenile Intrastate Rules.
Sarah is no longer the chair of POAB and is not certain who is in that position. She will let us know because that person will have a seat on our board and will be a voting member.
Heather stated the Intent to Run forms were posted and will be there until July 11.
Karen has posted the information on the website regarding the vacancies. Sarah was selected by the board as our new vice president. Karen will promote a short-term board appointment for District 3. That person will then be required to run for election in Sept.
(Offices up for reelection are: Vice President, Treasurer, Districts 1, 3, 5, 7. All current office holders term limited except District 1)
Awards and Recognition
Bob discussed the decision of awarding the 2 scholarships this year. Once we have the pictures of the recipients with their award they will be posted on the website.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
Troy attended the last meeting and sent the board the notes.
1068-JRAC is required to review community corrections statutory language and make recommendations to improve operations with evidence-based practices to the IDOC by December 1, 2021. They formed a subcommittee to begin the review. Sarah asked if the subcommittees are open to the public or closed. Troy will ask and advise us.
There is close to 6 billion that will be sent to the state of Indiana through Recovery Acts Funds. Over 1 billion will be sent to the counties. Troy believes counties will be able to replace the user fee account deficits (over the period of the pandemic) with these funds. Guidelines will be prepared for how the funds can be spent. The County Commissioners and County Council will set the parameters and determine the allocation of the funds. Troy was advised one county is purchasing laptops for staff to aid in facilitating teleworking, another county is providing a $3000 bonus for essential employees who were required to work when other counties operations were shut down.
Troy discussed that several JRAC members mentioned having additional money allocated in their budgets for programming. Indiana Criminal Justice Institute has $7M for law enforcement training over the next two years and the Public Defenders Commission has $2.5M for at-risk youth and families. Some mentioned they are looking for ideas on how to spend the new funding. Adam discussed the programs “Policing the Teen Brain” and the “Handle with Care” as options for good programs for juveniles.
American Recovery Act Funds is on the SBOA website: https://www.in.gov/sboa/
Troy stated the legislative summaries have been posted on the website.
Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee
Strategic Plan quarterly review and update (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) Troy will discuss with Sarah before the next meeting.
Troy asked if there are any suggestions to update/change for the By Laws. Karen discussed the option of having a flat fee for all members. Troy stated the board can adjust membership fees and the different levels are in the By Laws.
Troy discussed few of the suggestions for changes, but it was agreed these can wait.
Race & Gender Fairness Commission
Lakisha was not available, but sent her report:
The Commission of Race and Gender Fairness is still drafting the Indiana Action Plan to address Inequality within the Justice System. I am now on the workgroup for completing the implementation strategies. There were 2 positions approved by the Indiana Supreme Court for a Diversion, Equity and Inclusion Chief and Coordinator. These positions will assist in implementing the Indiana Action Plan developed by the Commission.
My hope is to add POPAI as a collaborating organization in the Indiana Supreme Court and Commission efforts to create equal justice through this action plan.
The Commission is currently focusing on the action plan; therefore, our meetings have only consisted of discussions regarding the action plan.
Old Business
Sarah asked about the mentoring project with Brian Riggs. A discussion followed with a few suggestions. The plan is for this to begin in Sept. It was suggested the initial meeting be the morning of the fall conference.
New Business
Adam made a motion to approve Ken Bugler from Monroe County as a Lifetime Member. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Adam communicated with a CPO who has concerns about the minimum probation officer guidelines. In some counties, probation department staff begin at a higher salary than a new probation officer. Troy suggested that we start with a survey. The salary scale is set by the Judicial Center. A discussion followed on the best avenue to compile the data across the state.
Troy suggested forming an ad hoc committee (Adam, Sarah, Heather, Troy, Cherie, and CJ) to discuss this in detail. Adam will be the chair.
CJ stated he can begin hosting the meetings in person. A discussion followed.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, June 9 @ 10:30am in person in Hamilton County.