March 8, 2017

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 03/08/2017

Linda called the meeting to order at 10:35 am.


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Adam McQueen, Vice President
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
  • C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
  • Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Stacey Beam, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
  • Kory George, JDAI Representative
Secretary's Report

Linda asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the February Secretary’s Report. CJ moved to accept the March Secretary’s Report. Brian seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Christine had emailed The Board the February Report. As of February 28, 2017 the balance in checking was $71,561.47 and in savings (February 28, 2017) $17, 038.74. Adam motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Andrea seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.


Board Documents are now being saved in a secure cloud for easy access from any device. Linda has been providing weekly Legislative documents.

Susan stated we currently have 845 members. There are 43 counties who have not paid the 2017 dues, but she knows some are in the process of doing so. At the end of March, she will send another invoice to those who have not paid. Linda suggested the CPO Summit is a great opportunity to encourage corporate membership.


The registration forms for the Chief’s Summit/Management Institute will be sent to everyone this week. Melanie Lowenkamp will be presenting on Tuesday. There will be sessions on e filing, a pretrial panel discussion and an update from IOCS. Don Travis will discuss juvenile probation related issues/updates in the afternoon. Linda will contact Jenny Bauer about the Advisory Board Meeting, which is scheduled on the same day of the Management Institute. Susan asked for suggestions on the speakers for the fall conference. Lakisha sent her one name for an individual who could speak on employee buy in. A suggestion was given for training on implementing EPICS and/or the follow up afterwards. A discussion followed. Linda asked if chiefs would be interested in training/round table discussion the day before the start of the fall conference. (A discussion of what programs are working well in the counties, etc.) Andrea requested/asked if DOC has a specific calendar with the deadlines for those who have received funding. The POPAI Board Meeting will be on Wednesday of the CPO Summit and Susan will have lunch provided for the Board members. Linda suggested we prepare a check box at registration so members could state the training they had completed (EPICS, T4C, Carey Workbooks, etc).

Chief's Executive Committee

No report.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

No report. Adam did state there is a National JDAI Conference in May.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Stacey stated they met on January 10. They discussed the recertification process, the stake holders meetings, academy and probation officer exam. IU is working with the Advisory Board about updating/changing the academy and the exam, which is outdated. There are currently 31 JDAI counties. Susan Lighfoot is a member of the board again and is working with the children’s commission. JRAC is working with court services on the incentives/sanctions.

No report. Steve is the chair.

Awards and Recognition

CJ asked about the adding information to the scholarship application. A discussion followed. Brian motioned to add this requirement to the application: An applicant must be a current POPAI Member, with a minimum of 2 years of full time probation officer employment in Indiana. Cherie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.  CJ will send the updated application to everyone for additional feedback.

Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative

Linda stated there are 10 project teams, plus Grant County. The state kick off conference was on 2/10 and the next meeting is on 3/10, which will be an open meeting. Linda is on a policy team and most committees have sub committees. Conference calls are available on most of the meetings.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Next meeting is 4/13 and will be open to the public.


Linda was asked to testify yesterday at the Corrections and Criminal Code. JRAC presenting on the status in their specific area. The DOC Report has not been published yet. This report will show the savings due to the criminal code changes. The DOC numbers have decrease. They closed Henryville and no longer house inmates in jail facilities.

Old Business

Karen's job description is completed and Christine is working with Susan B. on the secretary's job description.

New Business

The April Board Meeting will be 4/12 during lunch.  The May Board Meeting will be 5/16 during lunch. The IRAS/IYAS recertification deadline has been extended to 3/14. Adam and Christine attended the 3/2 meeting with Dr. Edward Latessa. Adam said he discussed the override policy with Dr. Latessa and Dr. Latessa suggested to do so only after evaluating the following 3 conditions :  1-if a supplemental assessment was used 2-due to the seriousness of the offense and 3-the PO has reason to believe the information provide is not accurate and/or it cannot be verified. The validation of the original IRAS was from a sample of 1300. They now have a sample size of almost 500,00. The research will dictate the tool and the hope is to have a report in the next year from the review. There are 12 states currently using a form of the IRAS. One states uses a specific tool for misdemeanor convictions and that is something that could be discussed with IOCS. Updates from IOCS:

  • The PO Academy for March 21-23 is full.  The next Academy will be October 11-13. We have expanded the capacity from 50 to 65 for each training.  
  • The PO Annual Meeting will be May 16-17th at the Indiana Convention Center. If they need a room, they should do that asap.  In 2018 we will be combining PO Annual Meeting with the Justice Services Conference (problem-solving courts and court alcohol and drug program conference).  This was approved by the Probation Committee, the CADPAC, and the Problem Solving Courts Committee.
  • IOCS will send out nomination forms for the Probation Officer Advisory Board district elections shortly. They will be electronic again as well as the election ballots. Districts up for election are: 4, 6, 8, 11, 12.  District 10 is vacant and will be appointed.  There will also be some at large positions available.
  • IOCS has posted a training request form for Carey Guides, EPICS, Case Management and Real Colors on our Justice Services calendar. We have been providing trainings regionally. If you are interested in receiving training for your staff, please complete the form.
  • IOCS will be sending out Wufoo survey for all active probation officers’ service history to ensure our records are accurate.
  • Michelle Henkle joined IOCS as staff in February in the Judicial Branch Education Division. She will work with the Justice Services Division on probation and community supervision training and other training efforts. Michelle previously worked at Marion County Juvenile Probation Department.
IRAS/IYAS validation update
  • IOCS is beginning work with University of Cincinnati on a validation study of all IYAS and IRAS tools.
  • IOCS hosted a meeting March 2 with several stakeholders from the EBDM and Pretrial teams with Dr. Edward Latessa to review common questions and concerns related to validation studies.  The invitation was sent to all EBDM members/counties, and all Pretrial workgroup members/counties.  We had just under 40 attendees including prosecutors, public defenders, probation officers, community corrections staff, a policy analyst from the General Assembly, a judicial officer, and IOCS staff.
  • Dr. Latessa explained the process for validation and the ability to research additional items/information, but it is completely dependent on the type of information available.  He also noted that sample size matters, especially if you are trying to narrow the research focus to a specific group (i.e. women offenders) or offense type (i.e. OWI, DV).  The narrower the focus the more difficult it is to have a substantial sample size.
  • He also emphasized the need for local quality assurance/quality improvement practices.  These practices are key to implementing the tools as trained and design and the lack of quality can impact validity and reliability.
  • He also advised the group that the results will help inform whether there are items to add, modified or removed from the tool; whether the division between risk levels (AKA cut points) need to be adjusted; informing any adjustments in training materials; and any policy/implementation recommendations.
IRAS/IYAS recertification The recertification process has been extended. Please see INcite for updates on the recertification process. Once all users have completed the process, IOCS and DOC will work with UC to determine if any changes need to be made to the online system and the process for completing remediation training and retesting.    

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 12 at the Chief's Summit. Adam motioned to adjourn and Brian seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.