POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 03/14/2018
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 am.
- Adam McQueen, President
- Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
- C.J. Miller, Treasurer
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
- Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
Secretary's Report
No changes to last months minutes and reports; CJ motioned to approve, Cherie seconded. Minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report
Email went out to board last week. No questions from the board in regards to that email. Balances: Checking $74,624.59 and Saving $17,050.23 CJ reported that Susan Bentley filed our Business Entity Report per their request and so those updates are being made and it cost us about $22 for that report to be filed. Michael motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report; Steve seconded; report approved.
Karen reports the Website and Membership Database are well maintained with no issues and nothing unusual this month. PPM & Bylaws Ad Hoc Committee: Troy sent the edited version to the board for review with a summary of the changes that have been proposed. It is not set for a vote at this time. Troy wanted to point out those issues that may be controversial so that the board will have an opportunity to think about that. Some key areas that were amended: Way too many membership categories- committee worked on consolidating those. Updated the corporate membership and also left the honorary and lifetime membership alone. Discussed the lifetime membership and it being for only those individuals who are retired or who are former PO’s. Discussed that they currently have the ability to vote; with the update to former PO’s they would no longer have the ability to vote in association matters. The 9 members affected would be ‘grandfathered’ in so that their membership is not affected. Article VIII is basically removed as it is redundant and that which was specific to Article VIII was added to Article VII. Updated voting rights and the Vice Presidents job description was updated. Vice President is to supervise all of the POPAI contractors (conference planning and technology) Term Limits: Troy asked to think about this quite a bit. We discussed that Term Limits should be in place for Officers as well as district reps. If no one runs for a position and the board has to appoint someone to a District Representative Position or an Officer, that appointed term does not count towards consecutive term limits. This allows for those willing to serve to do so if no one runs and they have reached the term limits. Updated Committee voting by-laws and the quorum threshold for the annual business meeting to 10% from one-third Added language to Elections to allow options for election procedure in the future. Troy sent out the changes to all the board members to review and talk about further in future meetings. Adam mentioned that the committee had also considered the possible need to discuss redistricting as some of the districts are very large include a lot of PO’s and others are very small. Troy indicated we were going to look at population within the districts as a preliminary step in determining if something needs to be done. CJ asked is if we should possibly consider adding districts to help cover those counties that may not be thoroughly represented. Troy suggested we target the June board meeting as a time to make the final decisions in regards to the by-laws. Troy also suggested that a summary report be included in the agenda for the annual meeting so that people will be able to follow along during the annual business meeting. And that also we make all efforts prior to the meeting to get the information out to the membership for their review. Workload/Caseloads Ad Hoc Committee: Troy gave a synopsis of the first few meetings. Met on 2/26 and met again on 3/5 with IDOC, IACCAC, IOCS to discuss what this study would be. At the 3/5 meeting Dr. Brad Ray from IUPUI met with us to discuss the feasibility of the study. Troy reported that we have some good traction on the project because they (IDOC) would like something to present that shows what is working to the legislature by January 2019. Multi-tiered study starting with implementation and how can we show what has been done well and then diving into what is being done well and how is it done well and how can it be replicated is the tentative goal of the project. Discussed the concern of the ability to pull data and the quality of that data. Can it be pulled and it will take a great relationship with the jail/Sheriff’s Dept. Next meeting will be March 21st in the afternoon. Meet with Dr. Ray and discuss further the first phase and how that fits into our overall goal: Workload Measures and Workload value. Will seek his tips for writing an RFP. Juvenile Defense Strategic Plan Committee: Lakisha had no report. No scheduled meeting at this time.
Payments continue to come in, a lot of deposits coming in as Susan is getting caught up. There are still some invoices to get out. Adam asked if there have been any new corporate members as he had directed Youth Villages to contact Susan Rice. YOC was also directed to contact Susan as they needed information but they are already a corporate member. Susan got an email from Park County Probation Laird Thompson; he had been a POPAI member for 23 years and she recommended that he be made a lifetime member. Troy confirmed that we could accept the nomination from Susan and Laird Thompson could be grandfathered in if the updates to the by-laws are accepted. Andrea motioned to accept him as a lifetime member; seconded by Melonie Pitstick; motion approvedEducation
Everything went out for the new CPO training and the Management Institute. There are 72 people registered as of today. Susan indicated that there are 6 people signed up for the New CPO Training. Bob Schuster confirmed that this is open to non-members. IOCS (Jane, Mary Kay, and Justin) invited to come on Thursday for the Management Institute, that way more people would be there to hear the updates and as well say goodbye to Jane and wish her well. IOCS wants to talk about new interview guide and the new test. And we want to give them enough time to cover that information. During last meeting Susan Bentley sent information on the National Partnership on Juvenile Supervision and we had discussed on how to get this training out to PO’s. Adam contacted JDAI via Nancy Weaver, and was told that JDAI would be happy to share the information within the Coordinator network if Susan is interested in moving forward with the training and to learn more about the registration process and collection of fees. Adam suggested that we could survey counties to see if there would be any interest from PO’s to attend. Adam said he would touch base with Susan B. and report back next month. No updates on the fall conference from Susan R. at this time.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg not in attendance; no updates from the CEC. Susan had mentioned still looking into the idea of a mentor program. January meeting not yet rescheduled.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory reported that JDAI is expanded to include Kosciusko County as an official partner. Now 32 JDAI counties. Prior to that we represented 70% of the youth; was not sure what that representation will look like with the addition of Kosciusko County. Teaching the Teen Brain presentation for Cohort 3, which included a superintendent luncheon was held last week to promote a train the trainer for schools within those cohort counties; the train the trainer is being held this summer in July and counties are allowed to bring up to three representative to receive the training. IDOC is hosting a Carey Group EBP training (Mark Carey to present) specifically for JDAI, Juvenile CC, and DOC reintegration specialists. Expecting around 200 attendees. This is a 2-day training April 16-17 at the Correctional training institute in New Castle.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Next scheduled meeting is April 10, 2018. Spoke about the concerns with the lack of the agenda at this time. An email from Angie Hensley to Sarah indicates that they are finalizing the agenda now and hope to have it out to the counties soon. Discussed that IOCS has set a block at the Omni for the training. The last information we have about the new test was that it was not quite ready. Discussed a little bit about the academy and the new exam. The POPAI reps on the POAB board will get more information at the April 10 meeting. CJ and Melonie talked about the interview guide. Bob had reached out to a few people about adding someone from the “Region” for open POAB seats.Election
Melanie Pitstick: No report as no elections are currently slated.Awards and Recognition
Updated application for the Knepple. The deadline is going to be April 16h which is a Monday. We will have a last chance to promote this at the MI/CPO. Need to verify that all nominees are eligible as members in good standing. Bob asked if a board member’s employee is applying does that board member abstain; which was confirmed that said board member would abstain. There is a scoring guide as well that Bob felt might need updating and was decided that the committee can make those updates and report it back to the board. Michael volunteered to add himself to that committee as well. Bob Andrea, Steve, and Michael on the committee. Cheri volunteered as well to make it an odd number for voting.
Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative
EBDM: Next state committee meetings are set for March 23. No updates from Troy as they have not had a meeting since last POPAI board meeting
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
February’s meeting was canceled and the next meeting has not been set. The April meeting last year was when the 1006 applications were submitted for approval. IDOC is currently reviewing the applications and they will make the recommendations to the commissioner possibly in April.
Adam/Troy provided a list of the bills that POPAI had been following. Today is the last day of session. All of those were on track to be signed and sent to the governor’s office. There was one on trafficking that was not sure would pass. The Misdemeanor Recovery Works pilot bill passed and is being sent on to the governor; ultimately, DMHA will determine the if the funding is available to start that pilot, but it provides language that it will be allowed. CJ asked if the legislative report is posted on the website and Troy indicated it is not. CJ asked if we think it should be posted on the website in the members only section. CJ made a motion to put the legislative information in the members only section. Sarah seconded to post in the members only section. Motioned approved. Adam discussed the letter of support requested to support HB 1421 that calls for a summer study committee in regards to professional development and the use of positive discipline. Adam provided that letter for review.
Old Business
Strategic Plan work to continue today as we are not able to meet in regards to the by-laws. Entire board invited.
New Business
Cherie: Email that brought up concerns. Is there a reason why a PO Asst. cannot conduct the IRAS assessments? Is there something that can be done to address this.? It was determined this is an issue for IOCS to answer and should be posed to them. Odyssey sign-in issue for senior judges discussed. Question in regards to Conditional Discharge or Judgement Withheld findings and what counties do in that situation. Also asked whether or not counties take transfers who might be living in a homeless shelter as Marion Co. is now saying that they will not accept them- Melanie is going to do some research and see what is going on in regards to that and report back to the board. Adam brought up about the APPA and those of us who would like to go should give their names to CJ and he will email the Board this afternoon as a reminded to submit their names if they are interested.
Next Meeting
At the Management Institute and will be held over lunch. We will order lunch in during this time.