POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 3/12/2020
Adam opened the meeting at 11:50 am.
- Adam McQueen, President
- Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
- C.J. Miller, Treasurer
- Cherie Wood, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
- Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
- Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
- Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
- Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
- Linda Brady, Past President
- Eric Zimmerman, Past President
Also In Attendance:
Angie Hensley, IOCS
Secretary's Report
Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the February Secretary’s Report. CJ made a motion to accept. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
CJ provided the February Treasurer’s Report. As of February 29, 2020, the balance in checking was $64,175.33 and $17,074.11 in savings. Sarah made a motion to accept and Cherie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. CJ also provided the updated 2020 budget report and stated the 2019 taxes were submitted to the account and have been filed.
Karen sent everyone the report prior to the meeting.
March 4, 2020: 1,006 Total Current; 931 POs; 21 Corporate; 54 OtherEducation
2020 Fall Conference = September 9, 10 and 11, French Lick Susan stated the New CPO Orientation was on Wed and she has received good reviews. Approximately 85 were in attendance for the Management Institute and 100 were registered.
Chief's Executive Committee
The next meeting will be during the fall conference. During the new CPO Training mentoring was discussed. The new chiefs were advised to submit an application to Sarah if that had an interest. She will then discuss w/ the board and partner a current chief with a new one. She has already received information from 5 new chiefs. She stated there will be criteria for the mentors and the new chiefs (minimum monthly contact, etc). The partnership could include coordinators of re entry, drug court, etc. If you have any suggestions, please let Sarah know. Greg thanked everyone for supporting the idea of mentoring.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
JDAI Grants: • The JDAI and JCC Grant Review Board is in the process of reviewing applications through meetings. Approximately $2M will be distributed to local sites for FY2021. Expansion: • We will likely have seven new JDAI sites this year – a mix of Introductory Sites and full implementation sites! We are working with those sites that submitted Statements of Interest on next steps. The Office of Judicial Administration has issued travel restrictions. Meetings scheduled through May 4 (at least) will be held remotely/virtually. This affects our State Workgroup Meetings and other committees as well. The Justice Services Conference will not be held in person – work is being done to deliver the content remotely/virtually.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
The next meeting will be April 14 by conference call.Election
Intent to Run forms out by May 13, 2020. The President, Secretary, District 2, 4, 6, and 8 are up for election. Michael stated they are looking into using survey monkey for voting. Electronic ballet is in the discussion for future voting. Susan stated she has an account that could be an option. District 4 and 6 are at the term limit.Awards and Recognition
Bob stated the due date for applications for the Charlie Knepple Award will be March 23, 2020. Bob stated he has not received any applications yet. We discussed presenting the award at the fall conference, but providing the scholarship money beforehand. He will ask Karen to add the information on the webpage. A discussion followed for correspondence for all who apply.
Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative
The EBDM State Policy Team meeting was held on Friday March 6, 2020. Justice Goff said that this would be the FINAL meeting of this Policy Team in its current configuration. Also, the March 26th JRAC meeting will be the last meeting of JRAC in its current configuration. HB 1047 Justice reinvestment advisory council was discussed. (Effective upon passage). Adds 8 voting members. The chief justice (or the chief justice's designee) shall serve as chairperson of the JRAC. With so many new members of JRAC, the first step will be a “New Member Orientation.” This will actually include ALL members because some of the purposes and duties of JRAC will change with the passage of HB 1047. DMHA (Becky Buhner) – Announced that there will be a kick-off event near the end of April re: the new DMHA project with the Indiana Sheriff’s Association. There will be grant monies available for in-jail MAT. There will also be grant monies for in-jail substance abuse treatment.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
Adam will provide an update after the April meeting. Linda stated she expects many subcommittees in the future.
Troy will send an update of Bills to follow. At this time: SB47- Applicants for a Probation Officer or Community Correction Officer can have any expunged cases reviewed. SB216- Prohibits disclosure of personal information of a PO or CC Officer to a defendant who is incarcerated. HB263-Public Safety Officers death benefits has been increased to $225,000.
Old Business
PPM and BY LAWS: Troy has made changes and will send to everyone. Juvenile Defense Strategic Plan Committee: Lakisha stated the retreat was cancelled. Liability insurance has been paid and is in effect.
New Business
Diane Weiss-Bradley has been nominated to for life membership. She will be retiring in March and has been a member over 20 years. Linda nominated Diane and Bob seconded. Susan will contact Diane to advise her. We discussed the ICOS Training that has been cancelled. Angie Hensley was in attendance so we discussed options for POPAI and IOCS working together for assist officers w/ the continuing education hours. Scholarships, keynote speakers, IOCS fiscal year, French Lick capacity were all discussed. Since the changes in future training occurred yesterday, there were many unresolved items (IRAS Training, Skyping, on line training, etc).
Next Meeting
Will be on April 27 @ 9:30 EDT, conference call.