POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 06/14/17
10:41am In-person meeting
- Adam McQueen, President
- Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
- Christine Kerl, Treasurer
- Susan Bentley, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
- Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Linda Brady, Past President
Also In Attendance:
Melonie Coan, New Probation Officers Advisory Board Representative
Secretary's Report
May’s report - CJ moves to accept, Melonie seconds, all voted and motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Christine submitted this report as of May 30, 2017 the amount in the checking account is $78,365.49 and the amount in the savings account is $17,041.31. Susan moved that we accept treasurer’s report, CJ seconded. All voted, motion carried.
Karen sent her report this week.
Budget Report: Christine we are $988.24 less than what we budgeted for membership. Corporate membership is less by about $7000.00. CJ has been registered and paid for APPA. Discussion held about district representatives reaching out to Chiefs where counties aren’t currently POPAI members.Education
Susan R. reported she is working on break-out sessions for the fall conference. Suggestions are welcome. Key note speaker is confirmed. Susan R. to talk further with closing speaker before confirming. Survey sent out Chief PO’s gauging interest in attending a session prior to fall conference and what subject would be covered. A large amount of feedback returned. Adam shared that 77% would be willing to attend a Tuesday evening session/forum. Topics of interest were varied. 4/12/18 and 4/13/18 will be the dates for the 2018 Management Institute.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg Werich not present.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory George not present.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Melonie Coan present to update: No meetings have been held. 7/11/17 is the next meeting.Election
Steve requested intent to run forms. 1,3,5,7 Districts are open for election this year. Slate to be published by election committee chair by 8/7/17. Election to be run through the POPAI website again.Awards and Recognition
CJ is the chair-Founders award, PO of the year and Rookie of the year award nominations will be posted on the website this month.
Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative
Linda reported policy team will meet again 6/23/17. A follow up training for 8/23/17 has now been postponed.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
JRAC Meeting held last week. Adam reported fiscal and programmatic audits were discussed as well as Recovery Works referrals. Summer study committees will discuss jail overcrowding, savings by DOC, establishment of treatment providers, and extending support services for mental health.
Linda sends out pending legislation reports to POPAI board weekly.
Old Business
Job Descriptions being developed currently.
New Business
Workload/Caseload Measures: Adam proposed POPAI working on this to further the project. Discussion held.
Next Meeting
7/12/17- at 10:30am.