POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 06/10/2015
10:33am EDT
- Linda Brady, President
- Christine Kerl, Treasurer
- Mignon Ware, Secretary
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
Secretary's Report
Mignon asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the minutes from the April and May 2015 meetings. Cherie motioned to accept the minutes, Jimmy2nd, all in favor. Motion carries
Treasurer's Report
Christine reported the amount in the checking account as of May 31 2015 is $42,013.97 and savings account is $17,032.77. The 2015 budget reports are on target for the year. Discussion about overall Membership and Corporate Membership dues. Susan made a deposit today which included corporate dues. Steve motioned to accept the report, Jimmy 2nd, all in favor. Motion carries
Ryan stated there were updates on Facebook and everything is working. There is still work being done on the website for membership renewal dates. Karen is working hard to make sure the database works for us. Job postings are approved by Karen and then she posts on the website.
Susan continues working with Karen to update the database. The goal is to run a report and advise Chief PO’s of the status of memberships by county. POPAI is looking to establish a new business practice: signify claims as pending to alert of counties paying in conjunction with conference fees.Education
Susan said she received good feedback from the Management Institute Conference and CPO Summit. She will have a full report for the July Board Meeting. Fall Conference information will be sent out soon. Susan is still looking to fill slots for breakout sessions. Discussion – suggestions: PERF/Retirement, Collaborative Planning guidance and next steps, Technology. A save the date was put on the POPAI website for the Fall Conference.
Chief's Executive Committee
The committee did not meet. Looking to possibly meet in August to discuss the 2016 Management Institute.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory reported that IDOC Re-Integration Specialists are located in 7 districts and have a supervisor, Stacey Doane-Selmier. These folks are like “parole agents” except they are supposed to actually work with local communities and the youth and family to help them while the youth is still in IDOC. They are in the place to work through issues that may impede the youth’s successful re-entry. JDAI expansion plan announcement expected over the course of the next couple of months. 12 counties that have expressed interest. Cross Cutting Issues JDAI is Addressing: *Dual System Youth *Challenging populations – Youth with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues *Human trafficking *Racial & Ethnic Equity *Conditions of Confinement – Education in Detention *Sanctions and Incentives Grids JDAI trainings that have been developed, adopted and/or made available include: *Policing the Teen Brain – for law enforcement and probation *Implicit Biases – for any group *Juvenile Justice Jeopardy – for law enforcement to interact with any community group and youth *Teaching the Teen Brain – for teachers Data enhancements are being realized at the state and local levels. The state and local data tracking has increased Wayne County’s use of data in making decisions. Kory also joined the JDAI State Executive Team and will be attending meetings 6/22 and 6/23/2015. Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to Kory at kgeorge@wayneco.us or by phone at 765-973-9279. Discussion – State Administrators, JDAI, and DMHA are working with Centerstone in an effort to think outside of the box and work collaboratively. Considering repurposing facilities at Richmond State Hospital and expanding services offered.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Ryan reported that new members have joined the PO Advisory Board (see below*) and the next meeting is Tuesday, July 14, 2015.
*District 1 Angela McFerrin (Lake), District 2 Steve Eyrick (LaPorte), District 3 Jesse Carlton (St. Joseph), Dist 4 Cheryl Barnick (Allen), Dist 5 Greg Werich (Wells), Dist 6 DeAnna Moell (Tippecanoe), Dist 7 Tony New (Madison), Dist 8 Melonie Coan (Grant), Dist 9 Miranda Polston (Morgan), Dist 10 Jalaina King (Marion), Dist 11 Matthew Brothers (Marion), Dist 12 Kory George (Wayne), Dist 13 Cassie Marion (Vigo), Dist 14 Shannon Chambers (Johnson), Dist 15 Janice Wade (Vanderburgh), Dist 16 Jennifer Franklin (Lawrence), Dist 17 Steve Kelly (Dearborn), Ryan Hull (POPAI), At Large Troy Hatfield – Chair- (Monroe), At Large Stacey Beam – Vice Chair – (Noble), At Large Steve Meyer (Porter), At Large Sarah Lochner (Wabash), At Large Dustin Delong (Howard), and At Large John Thorstad (Starke)
Cherie reported that one intent to run form was received for Vice President. The intent to run forms are due July 17, 2015. Cherie will post an article on the website. Up for election this year are Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, Treasurer and Vice President.
Awards and Recognition
Jimmy reported his committee will discuss scholarship / award opportunities and provide a recommendation. Reminder: Officer and Rookie of the Year nominations/forms are due no later than July 17, 2015. Cherie and Joe are new members of the Awards and Rec Committee.
Linda provided the legislative updates. Reported on the HB1006 power point that she prepared for and presented to her local county council. Linda will post in the Members Only section of the website. Further discussion about the Justice Reinvestment Council. There will be two upcoming meetings. Linda has two designees, Christine and Ryan. Christine will attend the first meeting and Ryan the second. Discussion. Linda asked District Reps to reach out for feedback / questions. It was suggested that a letter be drafted that District Reps could send out to Chief PO’s.
Also discussed the expansion of the POPAI Legislative Committee. Discussion. It was suggested that we reach out for assistance from Glenna to help determine key Legislators, encourage their attendance at the Fall Conference so they can meet probation officers, and see membership involvement. Linda will report back at the next meeting.
Old Business
Linda reported that she’s working on POPAI Board Member, Committee Member, and Contractors job descriptions.
New Business
Report provided by the By-Law Committee. They have been working to provide clarification of the document. Recommendations were made as follows:
Article V Membership, A. Qualification, Section 5: Life Membership. Life membership shall be awarded to current or Fformer Probation Officer members, who have been members for a period of twenty (20) years. Current or former Probation Officer members wishing to apply for a Life Membership must contact his/her District Representative any member of the Executive Board who will bring the application request to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will verify qualifications and award Life Membership to qualified applicants.
Article VII Executive Board, A. Eligibility and Qualifications, Section 2: Executive Board Qualifications.
All Executive Board members must be employed as a probation officer in Indiana, be certified as a probation officer meet the qualifications to serve as a Probation Officer as set out by the Judicial Conference of Indiana and be a probation officer member or life member of POPAI in good standing. Any verifiable criminal, moral, or unethical act committed by an Executive Board member while acting in that capacity may result in the request for resignation from the Executive Board. (Move to page 8 under section H, Resignation From Office)
Article XVII Effective Date, Amendments: Section 10. 2015. These amendments to the Bylaws of the Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana, Inc., shall become effective when approved by the general membership, on September 17, 2015.
Discussion from the Board Members. Will further discussion of the recommended changes to the bylaws at the next POPAI meeting.
Next Meeting
JULY 8, 2015@ 10:30AM EDT. Planning for an in person meeting at the Marion County South Probation Office Cherie motioned to adjourn the meeting, Brian 2nd, Meeting adjourned