POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 07/10/2024
Lindsey called the meeting to order at 10:30 am.
- Lindsey Villalpando, Vice-President
- Andria Geigle, Treasurer
- Cherie Wood, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
- Stephanie Cole, District 3 Rep
- Angela Morris , District 5 Rep
- Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
- Heather Malone, At-Large
- Jennifer Lampert, At-Large
- Adam McQueen, Past President
- Shannon Chambers, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
- Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator
Secretary's Report
Lindsey asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the June Secretary’s Report. Jenny moved to accept the Secretary’s Report. Angela seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Andria provided the June Treasurer’s Report. June balance in checking was $90,415.31 and in savings $17,739.18. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Andria stated everything has matched with Quicken. We are waiting on additional information from the IRS. We have filed a “Reasonable Cause for Late Filing”, requesting abatement (6-17-24). Our account is “on hold” for 90 days which allows the IRS to review our request and make a determination.
Karen presented an opportunity for in depth training in job listings from Natalie Wenzler from the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Andria made a motion that we offer this opportunity the chiefs. Jack seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Karen will connect Natalie with the Chair of the Education Committee
She reported Fall Conference registrations are coming in well. She listed the Top website page visits (jobs and internships) and described the busy POPAI July and August calendar.
POPAI Membership – currently a total of 1,182 Members.
Clothing – Lindsey discussed the new items for the conference. Andria made a motion for the Board to purchase a cardigan for anyone interested. Jenny seconded. Discussion followed.
Andria amended the motion to include the Board purchase a cardigan or quarter zip, with the new logo, for any board member who chooses. Lindsey will send an email with the details (stating what is offered and a deadline for ordering). This will be for the current board members and not for incoming members, unless we have the merchandise in stock. Cherie seconded the amended motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Thursday Fun Night Sponsorship – Discussion regarding drink tickets, potentially offered by the corporate sponsors. Lindsey suggested a corporate sponsor may be interested in sponsoring one of the fun night events in lieu of the drink tickets. We agreed to limit the corporate sponsors who will be offered this option and we will start with the top tier corporate members. This would be based on $10 tickets and POPAI can make the tickets, unless the resort already has a system in place. Anthony will talk to French Lick about the specifics.
Karen asked if we need to remind everyone we support the probation officer code of conduct and encourage everyone to act accordingly. We can do this at Thursday Annual meeting.
Rhonda McIntosh was nominated by her Chief Jack Odle and unanimously approved for POPAI Life Membership. Cherie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Fall Conference – Anthony said registration has been open for over a week and we have over 200 registered. We only have 38% of room block available. Anthony will send an email to the board members to confirm the rooms. Breakfast will be on offered on Thur or Friday, attendee will have the choice. Chief’s breakfast will be moved to a separate room this year.
APPA Conference POPAI Sponsored Fun Night – Lindsey thought it went well. Andria suggested we compensate Taylor for his assistance at the party night. Jenny seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The motion is for $100 a gift card to door dash for Taylor for his assistance at the APPA Conference/POPAI Event Night. Jenny seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
2024 Joint Mtg with IACCAC (Aug 22) – No new updates.
Training Coordinator Position Posting- Lindsey emailed the board the job description. Karen asked about the mail status. Anthony said he is fine continuing to pick up the mail from post office box.
Adam asked if we should continue to offer or expect the coordinator to attend a national conference. He also was unsure if he was APPA specific or any national conference. Discussion followed. Anthony provided his feedback on the current job descriptions and after such, we made a few changes.
After discussion, Cherie made a motion for the new conference coordinator to be offered to attend the 2024 fall conference and POPAI pay for the person’s registration and hotel. Jenny seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Andria requested the updated job description to be available to the board members by July 18 for approval. We will then post no later than July 23. Andria, with Adam’s assistance, will write an article for Karen to post on the website.
Chief's Executive Committee
Next meeting will be at the fall conference.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Shannon stated the education committee is working on training videos.
Adam stated the supervision committee is working on the intrastate transfer (establishing some form of standardized rules for these transfers).
At this point, we do not have any contested elections. Discussion followed regarding the gift for outgoing members. Bob will review the options and the awards/rec committee. We will then discuss at the next meeting.
Awards and Recognition
Bob and Cherie will update the board with information on applications.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
Lindsey and Adam attended the most recent meeting. Adam discussed the required electronic monitoring report and Justice Goff is asking for input about this report. It was also discussed if the report is necessary that community corrections submits to DOC monthly. Technical assistance was also discussed.
The next meeting is July 12.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 @ 10:30 am EDT at Hamilton County and via Zoom.