January 8, 2025

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 01/08/2025

The meeting was called to order by President Angela Morris at 10:32am.


  • Angela Morris, President
  • Lindsey Villalpando, Vice-President
  • Andria Geigle, Treasurer
  • Anthony Williams, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
  • Stephanie Cole, District 3 Rep
  • Susan Bentley, District 4 Rep
  • Josh Herman, District 5 Rep
  • Rupert Strawbridge, District 7 Rep
  • Jennifer Lampert, District 8 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, At-Large #1
  • Chad Boruff, At-Large #2
  • Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator
  • Cherie Epley
  • Heather Malone

Also In Attendance:

Dustin DeLong, Chief Exec Committee Co-Chair

Secretary's Report

Lindsey Villalpando moved to accept the Secretary’s Report. Stephanie Cole seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer's Report

Andria Geigle provided the December Treasurer’s Report to the board. Balances were as follows:

  • Checking – $26,174.01
  • Savings – $67,991.24
  • CD investment – $30,000.00

Stephanie Cole made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report.  The motion was seconded by Lindsey Villalpando.  All were in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Andria reported that the CD Investment will mature in January 2025. She provided re-investment options.   Lindsey Villalpando made a motion to re-invest the $30,000 for another 4 months at 4.25%.   The motion was seconded by Jenny Lampert.  All were in favor. Motion carried unanimously.


Karen Oeding provided the board with a report on her actions when she receives emails from the public and how she responds.   The Board suggested no changes to her process.

Karen reviewed the statistics from the Monthly December email with the Board. Karen reported we had a 58% open rate for the email which is quite good.

Karen reported that she has created folders for the Elections and Awards committees.

Karen reviewed the current POPAI calendar with the Board.   Additionally, she shared page analytics from the POPAI website with the Board.


Karen Oeding reported the following membership numbers:

  • Total Current Members:  1191
  • Total Current Probation Officers: 1041
  • Other:  115
  • Corporate Sponsors: 35

Discussion was held regarding bulk year memberships. The Board opted to take no action as this time.

Karen advised the District Representatives that she has prepared preliminary reports and provided information on how they can access them.

Anthony Williams asked the Board to consider a Lifetime Membership to POPAI for Troy Hatfield.  Anthony reported that as of December 13, 2024, Troy was no longer employed as Probation Officer in the state of Indiana and has over 20 years of active membership with the organization.  Andria Geigle made a motion to grant Troy Hatfield a lifetime membership.  Susan Bentley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried unanimously.


Angela Morris reported that the contract for the Management Institute has been signed with the Drury Inn in Carmel, Indiana.  It will take place on Thursday, March 13, 2025 and Friday, March 14, 2025. The New Chief Probation Officer Orientation will take place on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.  Angela also reported that Chris Biehn from the Indiana Office of Court Services will present at the Management Institute.

The Board asked Anthony Williams to reach out to Elizabeth Darlage with the Community Corrections Division with the Indiana Department of Corrections.

Angela reported at the most recent State JRAC meeting there was a discussion about the use of sanctions by Probation Departments.  Angela reported that her and Jenny Baurer with the Indiana Office of Court Services provided the full committee with information regarding incentives and sanction use throughout the State.  Angela reported that she advised JRAC that POPAI would be hosting a breakout on this topic at our upcoming Fall Conference.

Chief's Executive Committee

Dustin DeLong advised the Board that the Chief’s Executive Committee will be meeting on January 17, 2025, at 11:30am.  The meeting will take place at Birdies Grill House and Sports Bar which is located in Westfield, IN.

Dustin reported he will be working with Co-Chair, Greg Werich to create a virtual option for those who are not able to attend in person.

Awards and Recognition

Stephanie Cole reported she is working Karen Oeding to submit the Line Officer of the Year nomination to the American Probation and Parole Association.   Additionally, she reported they are working on the Donald “Charley” Knepple Scholarship application.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Angela Morris provided the board with an update from the most recent meeting. The next State JRAC meeting is scheduled for January 31, 2025.

The next EBDM/Local JRAC Workgroup is scheduled for February 7, 2025.


Angela Morris asked the Board to review the email sent from Adam McQueen on January 2, 2025, regarding bills currently filed with the Legislature for the upcoming session.

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

The Strategic Plan will be reviewed in April 2025.

Old Business

Angela Morris reported she has been working with Lindsey Villalpando and Marion County Chief Probation Officer Christine Kerl to host a training for Probation Officers who supervise sex-offenders across the state.  The training will be on the Static-99R, Stable-2007 and Acute-2007.  Each day would be on one tool specifically.  The training would be held on the same dates as the Management Institute (March 12, 13 and 14, 2025). The training will be limited to 50 attendees and will be held at the Marion County Probation office.  Discussion was held regarding the training.

Bob Schuster made a motion to hold the training and charge attendees $100.  All attendees must be members of POPAI.  Each county would be limited to no more than 3 attendees.  Additionally, two free registrations would be provided to Marion County and one to Susan Bentley who will be the representative from POPAI for the training.  The motion was seconded by Rupert Strawbridge.  All were in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Bob Schuster made a second motion that POPAI would spend no more than $5,250 for the event.   Jack Odle seconded the motion.  All were in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Angela Morris reported that Kory George (Chief Probation Officer of Wayne County) reached out to her and Shannon Chambers as the Chair of the Probation Officer Advisory Board regarding salaries.   Kory indicated a willingness to approach the Probation Committee again regarding this matter. The Board discussed sending out another Survey to Chief Probation Officers regarding their approaches to salaries for 2025.  Angela reported she will reach out to Catheryne Pulley, Executive Director of Indiana Office of Court Services regarding salaries for Probation Officers in the future.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. EST in Hendricks County and via Zoom.