POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 02/08/2017
10:34am. Joining the meeting via phone: Steve Keele, Sarah Lochner, and Kory George.
- Linda Brady, President
- Christine Kerl, Treasurer
- Susan Bentley, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
- Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
Secretary's Report
December’s report - Cherie moves to accept, C.J. seconds, all voted and motion carried. All voted, motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Christine submitted this report as of January 31,2017 the amount in the checking account is $59,820.46 and the amount in the savings account is $17,038.18. December, 2016’s treasurer reports states $60,516.92 in checking and $17,037.90 in savings. Susan B. moved that we accept treasurer’s report, Bob seconded. All voted, motion carried. Bob, Christine, and Troy served on the Budget Committee. Bob chaired the committee. Bob presented the budget. Cuts made and presented. $75,000.00 anticipated in income. Expenditures budgeted are at $82,335.00. Andria moved to approve the budget as submitted by the committee. Susan B. seconded, all voted and motion carried.
Karen sent her report this week. She has been working on a Board Documents area on the website for information purposes. Any information anyone has can be sent to Linda or Karen. Website Administrator Job Description sent by Karen also. Feedback requested. Andria moved to accept it, CJ seconded. All voted and motion carried.
Susan R. reported invoices are out and 2017 payments are already coming in for memberships. 2016 members who have not paid have been closed out, which were minimal. February 1, 2017: 929 total current; 845 POs; 34 Corporate.Education
Susan R. reported the dates for the management training have been sent out. There are only 3 people on the list for new Chief’s training who have not previously attended a new Chief PO orientation. Discussion held as to whether it should be held every other year. Consensus was to re-evaluate in the Fall and see if there are more new Chiefs POs in need of orientation. New dates are now Tuesday 4/11/17 for the Management Institute and Wednesday 4/12/17 for Chief PO Summit, and nothing on 4/10/17. Topics: session on e-filing as well as potentially social networking. Open to ideas for Key Note. Fall Conference planning will start soon. Linda reported on the Doodle Poll sent out: Wednesday 4/12/17 will be the April POPAI Board meeting during the Chief PO Summit over lunchtime. The May POPAI Board meeting will be Tuesday 5/16/17 lunchtime during the PO annual meeting at the Indy Convention Center.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg Werich absent. Susan R. reported Greg, Troy and her met 1/20/17 in Peru. IN and discussed the Management Institute.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory George reported the Chief Justice mentioned JDAI during the State of the Judiciary address. The JDAI National Conference will be in April, 2017. Indiana has been chosen along with Massachusetts, Missouri and New Mexico with a project that will replicate the JDAI model on a state scale. JDAI conference on 2/21/17 and 2/22/17 over data processes. 5/24/17 and 5/25/17 will be another conference over Permanency Planning.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
CJ reported Stacey and Dustin DeLong are now co-chairs. Workload measures will be a project they will start working on. They are also working on PO Exam and PO job descriptions. CJ will send out the tentative exam information regarding focus group input. New PO Exam expected to be completed by June, 2017. Susan Lightfoot of the Children’s Commission is now attending to advise the board as well.Election
Steve is the chair-nothing to report at this time.Awards and Recognition
CJ is the chair-he will be sending out an email soon to the committee to discuss any changes that may be made.
Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative
NIC is working with Indiana to provide technical assistance to the state EBDM policy team in support of pretrial change targets. All 11 Indiana pilots are receiving TA from the NIC. A meeting was held 2/3/17 at the Indiana Office of Court Services. 2/10/17 will be an all day "Indiana Pretrial Project Kickoff" conference in Indianapolis with all 11 EBDM teams and the State EBDM Team.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
JRAC Meetings scheduled 2/24/17 and 4/13/17. These are open meetings and all are welcome.
Linda sends out pending legislation reports to POPAI board weekly and posts these reports in the POPAI Members Only area of the website. House Bill 1218 Juvenile Justice expands Community Corrections Advisory Boards to add several Juvenile-specific Board members. Hearing is today at 1:30pm and the bill's author Rep Wendy McNamara's office called and asked Linda to testify in favor of the bill (which she will do). All JRAC-sponsored bills went through committee last week without issues.
Old Business
New Business
3/8/17 will be the next board meeting in person weather permitting. IRAS/IYAS recertification/booster-people have until 2/28/17 to complete this process. Cherie moved to adjourn, Lakisha seconded. Adjourned at 12:08pm
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: 3/8/17-10:30am, Eastern time at the South Marion County Probation Office.