February 11, 2015

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 02/11/2015

10:33am EDT


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Ryan Hull, Vice President
  • Christine Kerl, Treasurer
  • Mignon Ware, Secretary
  • Jim Taylor, District 1 Rep
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Jesse Carlton, District 3 Rep
  • Adam McQueen, District 4 Rep
  • Lori White, District 5 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator

Secretary's Report Mignon asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the minutes from the January 2015 meeting.  Cherie motioned to accept the minutes, Ryan 2nd, all in favor.  Motion carries

Treasurer's Report Amount in the checking account as of 1/31/2015 $48,384.03.  Susan renewed the PO Box.  Budget summary report comparison from January 2014 to 2015 – up $10,000 in 2015 – discussion. An updated contract will be forwarded from Glenna.  Discussion.  Bonus for Glenna tabled for the March meeting.  Her last bonus was in 2013.

Technology Ryan stated Karen has taken care of many of his normal tasks. The recent website upgrade occurred without any problems. Karen is working with Lori on the Facebook Page. Lori stated POPAI now has a LinkedIn account. Lori stated if we decide to offer a gathering area the night before the IJC Meeting, she will post such on the 2 social network sites. The “Job” section of the POPAI Website is the most visited section. Adam stated they recently conducted interviews and a few of the applicants stated they received the information from the POPAI Website.

Membership Troy discussed a few options the Membership Committee wanted to discuss with The Board.  One: POPAI hosting/sponsoring a member event the night before the IJC Conference. Two:  POPAI providing a recognition breakfast for those officers who have been in the field  25+ years . A discussion followed. For the 1st suggestion, everyone agreed POPAI would not offer any alcohol at an event. Howl at the Moon was discussed as a potential place for a gathering prior to the IJC Meeting. Susan will look into costs/options at Howl at the Moon. Troy stated more than half of those at the 25 year mark are POPAI members. Ryan suggested he put a poll question on the website. Susan suggested once Troy has the list of officers who have served 25+ years, she then email those officers and survey them. Christine stated this would be an investment in our members and those who are committed to probation. Cherie suggested if we decided to offer a breakfast, we would need an rsvp for the sake of properly preparing. Both proposals have been tabled for the March Meeting. Susan stated the last time she checked the PO Box it was full. The mail was not forwarded to her so she will look into the problem. The information from the database will now have Susan’s address on it.

Education A meeting regarding the Management Institute Training was recently held and they discussed offering Management in an EBP World (possible sessions could include: where you are and where your department needs to be/strategic planning/case planning/incentives and sanctions/ how well do you trust the Risk Assessment Tool).  Linda discussed the Mark Carey Tool and suggested that would be good to offer. The tool is on the NIC website and is a public domain tool. Jimmy stated it would be nice to have Dave Williams from Hamilton County discuss Odyssey. Christine stated Marion County is working with Lisa Thompson from Odyssey on a supervised release system project. Susan confirmed the fall conference dates with Mark Carey. Linda asked about the new CPO Training since it now overlaps with the PO Orientation. Susan stated it may only affect a few officers. Linda asked about sending out a “save the date” for any upcoming training opportunities. Susan will create that information and send to the members. Karen can offer the information in a way that we will know how many times it is reviewed.

Chief's Executive Committee Greg stated there was not anything else to add, other than the information Susan had already provided.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update There was a JDAI meeting this week. The Executive Board discussed the need to appoint someone from POPAI as our JDAI Representative. They appointed Kory George from Wayne County. Kory will keep POPAI informed of the JDAI updates.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update Troy stated they have not met since our last POPAI Meeting so he did not have a report.

Election Cherie stated no report.

Awards and Recognition Jimmy stated the Charlie Knepple Scholarship information should be posted by March 1 with the deadline of April 20. Jimmy will send the information to Karen to post on the website. The application process will be the same as last year.

Legislation Linda discussed the recent meeting she attended regarding HB 1006. Amendments had been made to Bill but she was not aware of those when she arrived. She is working with Glenna about how to move forward. Ryan suggested POPAI send out a mass email to all the CPOS once the hearing is scheduled for 1006. Adam stated he heard some misinformation at the last meeting he attended and we need to make sure the information provided is correct. A discussion followed. Linda stated she was recently asked if Community Correction Employees have ethical standards such as Probation Officers. Linda has asked Jane to communicate with her about changes. Christine stated she has talked to 2 of her Judges about the potential changes. A discussion followed regarding the IRAS domains and the active data from such. A discussion followed regarding the 1006 amendments including all Level 6 Felons would not be allowed to be sentenced to DOC.

Old Business There will be a Pre Trial Release Project meeting in March.

New Business We discussed the time/place for the May POPAI Board Meeting and agreed to discuss at the March meeting.

Next Meeting The March POPAI meeting will be on March 11 at 10:30 at the Marion County South Office. Cherie motioned to adjourn. Jimmy seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.