POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 08/08/2018
- Adam McQueen, President
- Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
- C.J. Miller, Treasurer
- Susan Bentley, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
- Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
- Linda Brady, Past President
Secretary's Report
Melanie P. moved to accept and Cherie seconded. Motion carried-report accepted.
Treasurer's Report
CJ reported Checking: $81,904.85 as of 7/31/18. Savings: $17,055.23 as of 7/31/18. Susan B. moved to approve, Michael seconded, all voted-motion carried.
Karen sent this report this week. Troy reported nothing major in it, except a reminder to post your articles when it’s your turn.
As of 8/1/18, 960 Total. Current: 886 PO’s, 20 corporate, 54 other.Education
Susan R. reported for CPO orientation-still waiting to get a date from IOCS in October, 2018. Fall conference: 9/5-9/7. Currently at 354 Po’s registration for the fall conference as of today-highest ever. 21 Corporate members registered already as well. Next year, management institute will be April 11 and 12th, 2019. Justice Service Conference for 2019 will be August 6-8, 2019 and Fall POPAI conference is already scheduled for Sept 4-6, 2019. Sara moved and CJ seconded fun night will include put-put, photo booth and sumo wrestler costumes, all voted and motion carried.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg not present. Troy reported there will be a Friday morning breakfast again in French Lick this year-all Chiefs welcome.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory reported 23 additional trainers trained in Teaching the Teen Brain-which bring the trainer number to about 70. Wayne, Henry and Tippecanoe Counties are taking a team to Clayton County, Georgia to meet with a national expert on school justice and mental health. The team’s goal is to bring back information. State team is sending folks to the State JDAI Conference as well. Annual JDAI Coordinators’ conference is in September as well. Featured presentation will be on restorative justice. JDAI state team would like booth space at the Fall Conference as well-this was agreed upon. COC Workgroup-Susan reported they met 7/12/18 and will meet again 10/11/18. Group is still working on how often Cohort counties will go through assessments and checklist will be finalized as well.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Next meeting is October 9th-nothing new to report.Election
Melanie P. reported election information is out on the website. Ballot voting would be held at the Fall Conference.Awards and Recognition
Bob reported award nominations went out the first week of July. Founders award, Line officer of the year, and Rookie of the year awards will be given at the Fall Conference. Nominations were due by 8/6/18 and nominations were received for all awards. Committee to vote this week and CJ will get the plaques.
Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative
EBDM: Linda reported the next meeting: 8/17/18.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
JRAC Meeting: Linda reported the next meeting is 8/13/18 at 1:30pm. Adam reported last meeting was not heavily attended and nothing to report.
Adam reported Interim Committees are happing now. Linda reported she is assigned to the Criminal Code Committee and three meetings have been scheduled in August and September of this year-no agenda as of yet.
Old Business
Strategic Plan/Bylaws and PPM: Members of committee: Troy, Adam, Michael, Sarah, and Melonie C. Troy reported they have not met recently. They will meet after the Fall Conference. Workload Measures: Troy and Sarah- reported data is being gathered to determine where counties are at currently. Dr. Brad Ray from IUPUI met with DOC to get data collected from 1006. Group meets again 8/13/18. Juvenile Defense Strategic Planning Committee: Lakisha reported next meeting is 8/17/18 and she will be attending and will report back.
New Business
DNA collection by PO’s. Cherie said a meeting is scheduled Friday for District 8 PO’s and information was collected in preparation for that meeting regarding DNA collection by probation. Text message notifications: Cherie also collected information regarding what everyone was using regarding these.
Next Meeting
9/7/18 at 11am in French Lick after the last conference meeting.