August 13, 2014

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 08/13/2014

Linda called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m. Former POPAI President and current Deputy Director, Juvenile Justice Initiatives and Support, Indiana Department of Child Services Don Travis was in attendance. He provided information that is under New Business. The meeting was in in-person meeting. Attending via conference call: Christine, Jesse, Greg, and Susan.


  • Linda Brady, President
  • Ryan Hull, Vice President
  • Christine Kerl, Treasurer
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Jesse Carlton, District 3 Rep
  • Lori White, District 5 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
Secretary's Report

Cherie asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the July Secretary’s Report. Cherie stated last month was the first month the new Minutes format was used on the website. She also stated that website administrator Karen Oeding was wonderful to work with when walking through the new process. The hope is this month will be a much smoother process. Joe moved to approve the July Secretary’s report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Christine had provided the July Treasurer’s Report via email. In checking as of 7/31 we had $31,847.70 and in savings as of 7/31, $17,029.17 Christine stated the updated report does include the scholarship that was paid and a few deposits for the fall conference. Cherie advised Susan she has a check for the fall conference. Susan was present by phone, so Cherie will mail that check. Cherie discussed the Employer Registration Statement that must be filed for the POPAI lobbyist. Christine will contact Glenna regarding this and then Cherie if she needs assistance.  Cherie motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Brian seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.


Ryan stated Karen is now the contact person for job postings. The ending date is now variable. We now have a forum for members only. That will be limited to the CPOs, ACPOs, and Supervisors. Karen will send that information to the Board so we can review it and work in it. We do not have a launch date for that yet. The website is receiving many hits and Karen has been given that information to Ryan. The poll questions are being utilized more often. With the poll question results, we may want to discuss scholarships before the next conference. Brian asked about the user name/login and Ryan said Karen will provide that information to us. Troy asked if there is a mechanism to deactivate members and Ryan said Karen will take care of that. Karen will also be in attendance at the fall conference and at our luncheon. If you have any ideas for a poll question, please advise Ryan. Linda said she is receiving ideas from different officers across the State.

Susan discussed the potential awards for the fall conference. She ran a report last night and sent that information to Troy and Ryan. She said the report did not provide accurate information. She has contacted Karen and Karen is working on that list now. Susan has talked to a few counties who have not renewed their membership.


The fall conference is in 3 weeks. As of yesterday, we have 271 who have registered. She believes the early bird registration has greatly helped. Susan stated we have a few corporate members who took advantage of the proposal for additional marketing. A discussion followed. Linda said she has talked to Jane Siegel about the fall conference because IJC has offered to assist, if needed, at the conference. Susan said if they have a specific topic to discuss to let her know. Linda said IJC will have not offer various regional meetings, but will instead offer one meeting in Indianapolis on 11/17. It will be a training for adult and juvenile. A discussion followed regarding IJC staff attending and it was agreed it would be nice to offer for them to speak at the beginning of the conference. Linda will discuss this with Jane. A discussion followed regarding the registration process and assisting Susan that morning. Susan has asked Angie Hensley to look at some different dates for a New Chiefs Training. She is waiting for Angie to get back with her. Susan had sent emails regarding the Management Institute. Susan has asked for additional dates from the Sheraton and is waiting for the response. A discussion followed regarding offering the training on different days of the week so we could have the training in March or April. Once Susan has the dates, she will advise Linda. Linda can then email the Chiefs to ask for feedback. We are concerned about the January/February weather as well as the spring break dates in March/April. The IJC Annual Meeting will be May 6 and 7, 2015.

Chief's Executive Committee

Greg stated they plan to have a Chiefs Executive Meeting at the fall conference.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

On July 22-23, 2014, the Indiana Supreme Court—Indiana Judicial Center, the Indiana DOC, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, the Indiana Department of Child Services and the Annie E. Casey Foundation hosted the Inaugural JDAI Inter-Site Conference.  Scott found it to be very useful.  The Opening Remarks by Bart Ludlow from the Annie E. Casey Foundation set the tone of the conference and emphasized the damage that is done to juveniles who are detained.  He acknowledged that there is a place for juvenile detention within the juvenile justice system, but in many instances it creates more problems than it solves.  Scott states, “For me, I really have to remind myself on a daily basis that what we do and how our systems respond to juveniles, is not about how it makes me feel.  Rather, we have to constantly remind ourselves that it's about what is best for the children and families that we serve.  The break-out session on Policing the Teen Brain was very informative.  This is a training curriculum offered by Strategies for Youth aimed at equipping law enforcement officers with practical strategies and evidence-based techniques to promote positive interactions and reduce conflict with youth.  Officers from the Tippecanoe County Sheriff's Dept. and Indianapolis Metro. Police Dept. presented on their experiences and why they believe this is important training for police.  I also attended a session on Data-Driven Decision Making: Developing a Sanctions and Incentives Grid.  This was especially informative because this is a process that we recently began in St. Joe County and I didn't know that IJC has already done the hard work and have been testing it in a couple of counties.  I also found out that IJC wants to test it in a county with a large juvenile population.”  The JDAI Steering Committee meeting on 8/8//14.  Scott was not able to attend; however, his Executive Director, Peter Morgan, attended as a representative of their local JDAI committee.  He reports that there wasn't any new information presented and that mainly the various participating counties gave status reports. Next JDAI meeting:  November 14, 2014.  

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Troy stated they are meeting monthly regarding case planning. He said it is still a few months away before being piloted. He also stated the PI/PDR should be available in October. It will first need to be approved by the Board of Directors of the Judicial Conference in September.

Lori stated she received a few absentee ballots. We have one contested election in District 4. Lori will not be in attendance for the fall conference because she has been invited to another training/conference out of state on the same dates. Brian offered to lead the election process at the POPAI annual meeting.

Awards and Recognition

Catherine wanted to make sure everyone had received the information that Jimmy sent regarding the awards. Linda discussed the different awards. Linda will send an email to the Chiefs advising them the award nominations will be extended to Monday.


Linda stated there has not been a meeting scheduled yet for the Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code.

Old Business

Board Committee and District Representative responsibilities will be discussed at the September Meeting.

New Business

Ryan said he will talk to Karen and Susan again about the POPAI gear. Linda also talked to her staff about the potential gear and what they would want to purchase if available. A discussion followed. Ryan will email Susan and Susan will then look into purchasing some POPAI gear to sell at the fall conference. Linda discussed the potential scholarship for Board Members to attend the fall conference. A discussion followed and it was determined it would not affect anyone at this time. Linda discussed if there are people POPAI would like to include in our emails who are not current members. A discussion followed. Don Travis was present and advised the Board that AFCARS (Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System) Reporting will be implemented in October. If a child is in foster care, a Case Worker/Probation Officer will be required to visit the child once a month in that home/facility. He stated after October 1, 95% of the children will be affected. This is not a DCS change, it is a federal change. Don stated DCS will not be able to meet this requirement without the assistance of Probation. Face to face contact will be required. Skyping will not meet that guideline. He stated for every 1% that is not met DCS will lose funding. He stated this is money that DCS would not be reimbursed for services. There are a few counties in which Probation and DCS are collaborating well to meet the requirements. There is still discussion as to the best way to implement. DCS is discussing interfacing with other computer systems. DCS does now interface with Odyssey and Quest. Don said if anyone has suggestions, please contact Don. Troy asked about DCS reimbursing mileage for those officers who must travel to meet this new guideline. Don stated that has been discussed and they do not have a decision at this time. DCS does not have an accurate number of children who have been placed in facilities across the State. One of the issues is the probation case has been closed but the placement was not closed. DCS is working on a way to have accurate data for a more specific number of children who are involved. They are also discussing the trial home visit status. Don stated all of the services that DCS offers are up for contract renewal as of July of 2015. If you have any comments/complaints/feedback regarding the services, please make a note of such. Don will advise POPAI as to who those comments should be sent to. Linda asked about a few potential changes that may be helpful. Don asked if delinquency has increased or decreased across the State. A small discussion followed.

Next Meeting

Linda stated we will meet 15 minutes after the closing session has ended. Cherie made a motion to adjourn. Brian seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.