POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2021
Troy called the meeting to order at 11:15 am at the fall conference.
- Troy Hatfield, President
- Sarah Lochner, Vice-President
- Cherie Wood, Secretary
- Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
- Mike Small, District 4 Rep
- Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
- Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
- Adam McQueen, Past President
- Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
- Shannon Chambers, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
- Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator
Also In Attendance:
Rupert Strawbridge - District 7
Secretary's Report
Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the August Secretary’s Report. CJ moved to accept the August Secretary’s Report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
CJ provided the August Treasurer’s Report. As of August 31, 2021, the balance in checking was $100,454.15 and in savings $17,081.72. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Shannon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Discussion followed regarding a financial review of the treasurer position since someone new will be in the position. This was conducted previously and depending on the cost, the board believes that it would be a good policy to schedule an audit every 4-5 years. CJ and Greg will communicate with our accountant for an estimate and then provide at the next meeting.
CJ discussed various outstanding checks and the impact those have on the record keeping. Troy will prepare a letter concerning those checks and a deadline to have resolved.
Karen – August was very busy with invoices. She will add an option of “open until filled” on the Jobs Page and will onboard new District 7 Rep: Rupert Strawbridge.
She talked to Lakisha about adding a diversity section to our website. She listened to the “My Healthy Baby” information and will inform others once this is available to everyone.
Karen stated she has been in the position almost one year and things are good. As of Sept 2, 2021 we have 988 total members (906 POs, 25 Corporate, 57 Other). She believes those numbers will continue to increase.
She has been working through the invoices and the preference for each county. There have been a lot of time committed to the conference and all the updates with cancellations, etc. CJ made a motion that Anthony be compensated for the attendees who have cancelled in the past 30 days. Cherie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Anthony -We had 453 attendees for the fall conference. That includes the officers, sponsors and speakers. 411 of those downloaded the app and 374 were paid attendees.
Lindsey – The apparel sold extremely well (+$3500). PayPal and the Whova scan were extremely useful. She plans to have the items at the Management Institute.
Suggestions for the next fall conference – pool party, golf outing, snacks between sessions. A few board members talked to vendors who stated they want to sponsor an event next year.
It was suggested that we have a contest for a new logo design. Troy asked Greg to check his old records to find out the history of our current logo.
Troy asked about the possibility of combining with IACCAC for a future conference. The idea is for a leadership training such as the Management Institute. After much discussion, Michael made a motion that POPAI explore the option to combine a training with IACCAC. Mike seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Troy will begin the communication and update the board.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg – The Chief’s Executive Breakfast was this morning and we had 18 who attended. There were various good discussions and he has notes for training possibilities and/or concerns from chiefs.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
The next meeting will be Oct 12.
Troy stated the probation officer salaries (and supervisors) were discussed at the round table and breakfast. He asked if that is a topic the advisory board could review. He suggested to all chiefs regarding the salary status.
Heather – Stated the election process went well. It was discussed that we change the language for the ballot and the suggestion is the ballot must be submitted by the end of the first day of the conference.
Troy reminded the board of the committees and the process for determining a chair. He asked everyone to advise him if they wanted to be added or removed from a committee.
It was suggested we add a new committee “social/marketing/clothing/etc” be added because it requires a great deal of work and time. We will discuss the name of the committee at the next meeting.
CJ suggested adding 3 at large members, which would require a by law change. We will discuss at the next meeting.
Awards and Recognition
Bob was not available. The awards were presented at the annual business meeting on Wednesday.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
The next meeting will be Oct 29.
Troy stated the upcoming report will be divided into 2 sections: immediate changes in the statutes and long term vision for changes.
After discussing the local JRAC, Linda encouraged everyone to read the statute regarding community corrections advisory board.
Troy stated the next Interim Study Committee Meeting will be Oct 12.
The Center for State Government is discussing improving the statutes of children and looking into adjustments in the juvenile justice system.
Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee
Sarah will have information prepared for the Oct meeting.
Race & Gender Fairness Commission
No report
Old Business
Mentor Program – Sarah stated only half of those who will be in the program were able to attend the fall conference, so the beginning of the program will be virtual.
Salary schedule – We will continue to discuss and prepare a survey for the chiefs.
Juvenile Jail Removal – Troy stated this committee was formed due to juveniles being left in adult facilities. DOC has guidelines written for safe keepers.
Jail Management System – It was discussed to use one admission packet which could be more consistent.
New Business
Adam asked for an updated board contact list and that will be sent to everyone.
Troy will prepare a quarterly report to send to the board.
Lake County Case – Troy discussed the summary of the case and explained POPAI has been asked if we plan to take a stand and if so, which side. It was determined he will send additional information and we will schedule a conference call to determine how the board chooses to move forward.
CJ is the state representative for APPA for the next 3 years. His area included: Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.
Next Meeting
Oct 13, 2021 at 10:30 am at the Hamilton County Dept of Probation Services.