POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 06/14/2023
Troy called the meeting to order at 10:30am.
- Troy Hatfield, President
- Andria Geigle, Treasurer
- Cherie Wood, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
- Dustin DeLong, District 3 Rep
- Mike Small, District 4 Rep
- Rebecca Schrock, District 5 Rep
- Rupert Strawbridge, District 7 Rep
- Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
- Heather Malone, At-Large
- Adam McQueen, Past President
- Esther Kaelin, JDAI Representative
- Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
- Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator
- C.J. Miller
Secretary's Report
Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the May Secretary’s Report. Lindsey moved to accept the May Secretary’s Report. Andria seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Andria provided the June Treasurer’s Report. As of May 31, 2023, the balance in checking was $88,183.40 and in savings $17,084.71. Rupert motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Becky seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Andria has not talked to her local tax account, but will do so. She stated we only have one outstanding item on the account.
The website privacy policy is active. Mike made a motion to accept the privacy policy as written. Becky seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Karen shared links to calendar documentation to keep better track of all the things that go on during Fall Conference Preparation. Fall Conference activities are filling the next few months.
The website is in good shape with the jobs page and legislation page taking the top to slots in May visits.
Karen discussed the two POPAI Identity/Branding bids for the website. She is not asking for this to be implemented at this time, and would like to start the New Member Program for 2024 to generate more available funds for the Style Guide.
Discussion followed regarding the Style Guide and/or the New Member Program. Topic will be tabled for the July meeting so we can discuss two possible additional proposals.
We discussed the process of requesting someone becoming a life member. Karen will send the department chief an email with the information/process.
Karen stated membership continues to increase and the invoice process went smoothly. As of June 6, 2023: 1,177 Total Current; 1032 Pos; 24 Corporate and 105 Other Community Corrections and Support); 16 Life, Emeritus, or Honorary)
Most 2023 Membership Verifications have been sent with the rest completed in June. Work has begun with identifying Members for 25 and 10 year awards. June’s tasks include identifying everyone who is still due for membership in order to have any outstanding invoices out before Fall Conference Registrations begin. Lindsey stated she is working with Karen on the awards. We have the cups and Anthony is managing the work on the banner.
Fall conference needs/thoughts: We discussed in the past POPAI provided the attendees a gift at the registration. A discussion followed regarding options of gifts and costs of such. We also discussed the cost of the conference/raising cost/etc. Andria made a motion that we purchase an item for each attendee, not to exceed $20. Rupert seconded.
Discussion followed. Bob suggested we have additional information before the next meeting and then determine. Andria withdrew her motion. Options discussed are to purchase an item for each attendee, offer a discount for POPAI gear or offer breakfast on Friday.
Anthony has updated the board with the fall conference presenters, etc. Shannon Chambers will handle the QPR and he has one other sponsor to fully fill the breakout sessions.
Troy stated a meeting is scheduled tomorrow to discuss the agenda for the Aug 23 IACCA partnership conference. It will be at Drury Inn.
2023 Fall Conference – Sept 20-23. Thursday fun night has not been determined.
Chief's Executive Committee
The next meeting will be at the fall conference.
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Esther stated:
- Jefferson County is onboarding as a new JDAI site beginning in July!
- All JDAI counties should have received their FY2024 contracts (through the auditor) – approximately $2M is distributed to the JDAI counties each year, primarily for programming
- LaGrange County is beginning a data system mapping process – they will be the first county to do this and hope to share what they learn and ways to improve efficiency and accuracy with other JDAI sites; this may be an example to be used by the Youth Justice Oversight Committee as they look for counties to volunteer as pilots for what will be required as part of HEA 1359 (2022)
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
No recent meeting.
Chris Biehn is the new deputy director at IOCS.
Troy stated no updates on the 2024 salary guideline.
The vice president position is open and applications have been submitted. We discussed the applications that were submitted by the deadline stated. Heather made a motion to appoint Lindsey Villalpando as the new vice president. Mike seconded. All were in favor and motion carried.
District 6 is now vacant. Karen will post the information/process for submission. The deadline will be July 5.
The 2023 slate will be: vice president, treasurer, districts 1/3/5/7 and at large seat #1.
Karen will create a POPAI Elections email address and use it to forward applications to the current chair: Mike Small.
Awards and Recognition
Discussion regarding the upcoming awards for the fall conference and the dates for the nominations to be submitted. Karen will create an awards email address and the information will be sent directly to Cherie, the Chair of the A and R Committee and Bob.
Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)
The next meeting is scheduled for July 14. There is technical assistance level at the local level.
There will be a web-based platform.
Summer Study Committee has been released. If there are any topics of concern, please contact Troy.
Old Business
Salary scale-No update. We will discuss after the 2024 salary has been released.
Jail Management System Workgroup – no update. Adam will advise when there is an update.
New Business
APPA Summer Institute –POPAI is not offering a drawing for members to attend the conference.
Quarterly letter – Troy is working on the letter and will have completed soon.
CJ – Discussed having pretrial officer part of the board and/or a way for those officers to be involved. Troy stated the bylaws would need to be changed. APPA includes probation, parole and pretrial.
Andria made a motion to form a committee to discuss pretrial officers and their membership status with POPAI. Becky seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. The committee will consist of: Dustin, CJ, Lindsay, Mike, Troy, Andria and Jack. Dustin agreed to Chair the committee.
Andria suggested moving JDAI information up on the agenda so Esther could complete her section in the beginning.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, July 12 @ 10:30am at the Hamilton County Probation Services. Troy will not be present.