Executive Board Meeting

October 12, 2005

Call to Order:

Don opened the meeting at 11:20 a.m.


Name Position Present Absent
Eric Zimmerman President x
Don Travis Vice President x
Jennifer Outlaw Secretary x
Madonna Wagoner Treasurer x
Lori White Membership x
Steve Meyer District 1 x
Danyel Wagner District 2 x
Barb Burton District 3 x
Katherine Holtzleiter District 4 x
Christine Kerl District 5 x
TBD District 6 x
Linda Brady District 7 x
CherieWood District 8 x
Diana Bradley Prob. Adv. Board x
Susan Rice Trg./Conf. Planner x

Secretary’s Report:

Jennifer was welcomed back by the Board. Steve moved to accept the September minutes. Linda seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Madonna provided copies of the Treasurer's Report. The report reflects the balance of the checking account as $9,916.77 and savings as $22,558.74. Total assets at this time are $34,441.43. She reports that all bills received to date have been paid and that she has spoken to the bank regarding obtaining a Debit card. Linda moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Steve seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.


Lori reports she is sorting through the renewals that were submitted with conference registrations. She reports that POPAI has had a busier than usual renewal month. Lori brought up that the 10 & 15 year members have not been recoginized for 2005 and that she has the list available. Discussion tabled until the November meeting.


Don reports there were approximately 270 attendees at the fall conference. Overall the feedback was positive with emphasis on the high-quality of the training. Discussion followed regarding the location of the 2006 Annual Fall POPAI Conference. POPAI District Reps were encouraged to contact members in their districts to get additional feedback regarding where they would like to see the conference take place in the upcoming year. POPAI members can obtain their District Representative's contact information on our website ( Discussion followed regarding placing the speakers and training on the website as they are confirmed as many members are making their decision to attend the conference based on the topics to be presented.

Awards and Recognition:

No report.

Corporate Membership:

Don reports he has been speaking to possible new corporate members.


Don reports there are no active bills, but the Department of Correction and Department of Child Services will be proposing a lot of legislation in the upcoming session. The Sentencing Study Committee is meeting today.


Any member in District 6 (Benton, Clay, Fountain, Greene, Montgomery, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, Vermillion, Vigo, Warren, and White Counties) interested in the POPAI District 6 Executive Board Representative position should contact Eric Zimmerman at Allen Co. Adult Probation, 113 W. Berry St. 3rd Floor, Ft. Wayne, IN, 46802, Office: 260.449.7195, Fax: 260.449.7285, or email:


Don reports there will be no technology committee meeting next month. Members are encouraged to visit to obtain information about upcoming POPAI events and to vote on the poll questions. Poll questions typically change every 2-3 weeks.

Chief’s Executive Committee:

Reminder that the Chief’s Executive Committee is providing support staff training called ”It’s Your Turn" to be held October 27, 2005, at the Auburn WWII Museum. Topics on the agenda include:

Additional information available at
Don reports training to be offered in February 2006 includes New Chief Probation Officer training, Management Institute (Topic: Crisis Management), and Chief’s Summit. Additional information will be provided at a later date.

Old Business:

Don reports he attended the Probation Officer Advisory Board meeting at IJC. Hot topics included risk assessments, intrastate compact forms, and resource directory of best practices. Regional meeting topics were discussed and include a presentation by the State Board of Accounts regarding fees, regional presentations of programs, working lunch with a presentation by the Education Committee, and upcoming changes in the DOC.

New Business:

Bill Wakeland volunteered to continue to scan documents for POPAI and present a disc with this information to the Board on a yearly basis for archiving purposes. Lori reminds the Board that her contract is up for renewal.

Barb moved to close the meeting. Christine seconded, all were in favor. Motion carried.

Next month's meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2005 @ 12 noon, at the Westin, 50 S. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana (due to the POPAI Policy and Procedure Manual Training).
