Executive Board Meeting


January 16, 2002



Call to Order:


Eric opened the meeting at  11:00 am .








Eric Zimmerman


Susan Rice

Vice President

Gwyn Green


Greg Werich


Lori White


William Wakeland

District 1

Tim McAlhany

District 2

Andrew Holland

District 3

Mike Small

District 4

Melody Sears

District 5

Laird Thompson

District 6

Allison Juliot

District 7

K. Allan Henson

District 8

Ted Ward

Past President

Fred Martin

Prob. Adv. Board


Mindy Niehaus was also in attendance.


Secretary's Report:


 Ted moved to approve December's minutes, Tim seconded. All were in favor.


Treasurer's Report:


This section was not discussed since the Treasurer was not present.




Lori stated that the database is up and running. She is sending out many invoices. Many counties are calling saying they are ready to renew. She gave a number of 62 as to how many members are eligible for a ten year gift that also includes people who are eligible for a fifteen year gift. The number of members eligible for the fifteen year gift is eleven. We will table that issue until the next meeting. 




Tim reported that he would be having an meeting at his office on Jan. 22nd to begin preliminary thoughts on speakers and agenda for the fall conference. He has a tentative keynote speaker, Judge Faris, from Beaumont, TX. A discussion was also had about the possiblity of a need for a session about the future status of probation depending on how the House Bill is resolved.


Awards and Recognition:


Allison will be speaking to last year's recipient to get personal information so we can update the website.  She is cleaning up the scholarship application and will forward it to Lori and Gwyn so it will go out in the minutes.  Deadlines for turning the application in will be March 31st. The committee will meet prior to the April meeting to interview applicants.  Allison also spoke with Paul McGriff and he stated we still have money in the scholarship for this year, approximately $1300.00. 


Corporate Membership:






See attached minutes from Judge Vaidik's presentation from the same day.














Old Business:


Gwyn and Bill met and went through all the old binders.  They sorted through and kept what was considered historical and important.  The suggestion was made to keep all hard copies of documents and disks and or cd's that they were scanned onto in a safe deposit box.  Allison motioned for the organization to aquire a safe deposit box. Susan seconded.  All were in favor.


New Business:


The next meeting will be Wednesday, Feburary 27th at 4:00 pm at the Embassy Suites prior to the Chief's Summit.