If you’ve submitted job posts on our site within the last three years, feel free to bypass this form and send the job description directly to ContactUsATPOPAI@gmail.com. Be sure to include the close date and any supplemental information.
Jobs to be posted on this site are limited to those that represent positions within the probation services field. If you've filled out a form for the same position in the past, OR if you have a document that describes the position fully, feel free to email me so I can save you some typing by editing and activating your old post or uploading and linking to your document. Important: You must enter "IN" on the State field of this form for it to work. Problems? Contact Karen. |
Position Title: Location of Position (County): Brief Summary of Position Responsibilities: Minimum Education Requirements: Preferred Qualifications: Salary Range: Name of Contact Person for Application (i.e. Chief P.O.) Email for Application or Application Questions Address to which applications should be sent:
Closing Date For Accepting Applications (choose one): This post should close at midnight on: (YYYY-MM-DD) (required) |
This contact information is for POPAI Administration and will not be displayed on the website. Name of person posting job: E-mail address of person posting job: Telephone Number: I will be emailing an attachment for this post:
You will have an opportunity to email other documents to attach to your listing after you submit this information. |
Before clicking submit, please make sure you entered IN in the State box above. If you send this with anything besides "IN" the form will fail and your information above will neither be sent nor saved.
Trouble? Please email with the details.