During the October 9 Board Meeting, members reviewed several Intent to Run forms from POPAI Probation Officers and appointed three new Board Members:
- Mignon Ware, At Large #1 Representative
- Susan Bentley, District 4 Representative
- Josh Herman, District 5 Representative
The full list of current Board Members is on our web site here.
Thanks to all of our Board Members for your willingness to serve POPAI.
The list below describes the minimum level of commitment that Board members are asked to make to this professional organization. Before running for office, POPAI Members should be aware of the obligations and be able to make a commitment to fulfill these obligations.
Attendance at POPAI Board meetings is vitally important to the organization. Board members are expected to attend the scheduled meetings (typically) in person with minimal absences. The Board usually meets the second Wednesday of each month, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. We alternate between Hendricks County Probation in Danville and Johnson County Probation in Franklin. We have been able to offer Zoom connection at most meetings.
Possible exceptions:
- Board meeting is held at the POPAI Management Institute usually in February, March, or April
- Board meeting is held during the Justice Services Conference usually in April or May
- Board meeting is held on Friday of POPAI Fall training in French Lick after the conference ends. It is important that you stay for this meeting as it would be your first Board meeting upon your election.
- Some POPAI Board meetings may be held via video conference due to weather or other reasons.
Board members must work on at least one POPAI Committee. Standing committees: Election; Awards and Recognition; Technology; Education; Legislation; Membership.
POPAI sponsors two training conferences per year: POPAI Management Institute/Chief PO Summit and Annual Fall Conference. Board members are expected to make every effort to participate in these conferences/trainings. Board members are asked to assist at the registration table for the Fall Conference (when possible). [Note: Board members that have a financial need may request waiver of tuition for POPAI conferences.]
If you are not the Chief Probation Officer of your department, you must include as an attachment an email or memo from the Chief PO approving your attendance at in-person monthly POPAI Board meetings; your participation in at least one POPAI standing committee; and verifying your ability to attend POPAI trainings/conferences during your elective term.