Line Probation Officer of the Year

The Line Probation Officer of the Year Award was established to recognize line probation officers who have performed their duties in an outstanding manner and/or made significant contributions to the field of probation at the local, regional or national level. The recipient may also have brought credit or honor to the profession of probation through participation or involvement in community activities or programs. This recognition will be awarded to probation officers who are involved in the direct supervision of criminal defendants/juvenile offenders and/or other line probation officer duties such as conducting Presentence Investigations, Preliminary Inquiries, and Predispositional Investigations.

Vicki Cale, 2023 POPAI Line Officer of the Year
Stephanie Eddy of Wells County Probation Department and POPAI President Troy Hatfield

On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at the Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana (POPAI) annual fall conference, Stephanie Eddy, of the Wells County Probation Department, was presented the “Line Probation Officer of the Year Award.” Learn more about Stephanie.


Line Probation Officer of the Year Award Recipients

 2024 Stephanie Eddy 2023 Vicki Cale
2022 John Bush2021 Allen Waller2020 No Qualified Candidate
2019 Lindsay Long2018 No Qualified Candidate2017 Ben Neureiter
 2016 Edward Beber2015 Elizabeth Starck2014 Dave Williams

There were no qualified candidates submitted in 2018 or 2020.