Founder’s Award

The Founder’s Award is a way of recognizing individuals who have significantly contributed to the field of probation in general, and specifically to the POPAI organization. The recipient need not be a Probation Officer or POPAI member. The selected person, however, shall be characterized by his/her commitment of influence and promotion of professionalism to Indiana probation. Previous award winners include Judge Vicki Charmichael, Glenna Shelby, Tom Frederick, George Walker, Bruce C. Embrey, Charles Bud Meeks, Linda Parks, Greg Werich, Eric Zimmermann, Jane Seigel, Neil Hannon, and Susan Rice.

Deborah Kesler, Juvenile Chief Probation Officer from Vigo County and POPAI President Troy Hatfield.

On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at the Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana (POPAI) annual fall conference, Deborah Kesler, Juvenile Chief Probation Officer from Vigo County was presented the Founder’s Award. Learn more about Deborah Kesler


Founder’s Award Recipients

2024 Deborah Kesler
2023 (No nomination)2022 Madonna Wagoner2021 Susan Allen
2020 (No nomination)2019 Troy Hatfield2018 Judge Vicki Carmichael
2017 Glenna Shelby2016 Susan Rice2015 Joe Hooker
2014 Justice Brent Dickson2013 Linda Brady2012 Rep. Ralph Foley
2011 Don Travis2010 Neil Hannon2009 Eric Zimmerman
2008 Jane Seigel2007 Allan Henson2006 Greg Werich
2005 (No nomination)2004 Tim McAlhany2003 Charles “Bud” Meeks
2002 Bruce C. Embrey2001 George Walker2000 Tom Frederick