POPAI Sponsored Awards & Scholarships

Nominations for Founder’s, Rookie, and Line Probation Officer are being accepted until August 6, 2024 at 5 PM Eastern Time. Please see the specific page for information and a nomination form.

Founder’s Award

The Founder’s Award is a way of recognizing individuals who have significantly contributed to the field of probation in general, and specifically to the POPAI organization. The recipient need not be a Probation Officer or POPAI member. The selected person, however, shall be characterized by his/her commitment of influence and promotion of professionalism to Indiana probation. Previous award winners include Tom Frederick, George Walker, Bruce C. Embrey, Charles Bud Meeks, Linda Parks, Greg Werich, Eric Zimmermann, Jane Seigel, Neil Hannon, Susan Rice, Glenna Shelby, and Judge Vicki Carmichael.

There were no nominations for 2023 Founder’s Award.


“Rookie” Probation Officer of the Year

The “Rookie” Probation Officer of the Year Award was established to recognize probation officers who, while at the beginning of their career, show the attitude, aptitude, and the desire to improve themselves and to develop into leaders among their peers. Nominees shall be within their first two (2) years of certification as a probation officer in the state of Indiana.

Learn More about The “Rookie” Probation Officer of the Year Award


Line Probation Officer of the Year

The Line Probation Officer of the Year Award was established to recognize line probation officers who have performed their duties in an outstanding manner and/or made significant contributions to the field of probation at the local, regional or national level. The recipient may also have brought credit or honor to the profession of probation through participation or involvement in community activities or programs. This recognition will be awarded to probation officers who are involved in the direct supervision of criminal defendants/juvenile offenders and/or other line probation officer duties such as conducting Presentence Investigations, Preliminary Inquiries, and Predispositional Investigations.


Donald “Charley” Knepple Scholarship

The Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana provides a scholarship in memory of Donald “Charley” Knepple. Charley lost his life on April 28, 1997, while performing his probation officer duties in Allen County, Indiana. In an effort to honor an outstanding professional and to promote further professionalism, POPAI selected a scholarship that would encourage continued education and advanced degrees for probation in Indiana. Past winners include Sandra Bryan, Brandi Glenn, Sarah Lochner, Alexis Stogdill, Patrick Hillenburg and Elizabeth Darenski.