August 9, 2017

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 08/09/17

10:34 AM


  • Adam McQueen, President
  • Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
  • Susan Bentley, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
  • C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
  • Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
  • Linda Brady, Past President
Secretary's Report

July’s report- Cherie moves to accept, Andria seconds, all voted and motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Christine submitted this report as of July 31, 2017 the amount in the checking account is $81,279.23 and the amount in the savings account is $17,043.30.    Bob moved that we accept treasurer’s report,    CJ seconded.  All voted, motion carried.


Karen sent her report this week.  No changes from previous reports.

Susan R. reported more members with unpaid 2017 membership dues were closed out yesterday from our membership database. As of 8/2/17: 943 total current, 858 POs, 34 Corporate and 51 other.


Adam confirmed DOC will be presenting at the first breakout sessions Thursday morning at the 2017 POPAI Fall Conference.   Susan R.  reported the “escape room” is definitely going to happen at the Fall Conference as well.  337 currently registered for the fall conference.  173 indicate interest in the escape room.  Discussion held about how to run this.  POPAI gear will be ordered by Susan R. for the conference as well. Susan R. reached out to Jenny Bauer about the possibility of a fall CPO training due to several new CPO’s as of late and per IOCS request.  Jenny is checking to see what dates are available this year and will get back to Susan R.

Chief's Executive Committee

Greg Werich not present.  Greg will be running a Chief’s Executive Committee breakfast at POPAI Friday morning of the fall conference.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Kory George not present.  Sarah reported Kory will talk further about the conditions of confinement committee for JDAI at the September meeting.  Susan and Michael both indicated interest for this committee.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Melonie Coan present to update:  Meeting scheduled in October-no new updates.

Steve reported a full slate but, no contested election for any spot.  Districts 1,3,5,7 are open for election this year as well treasurer and vice-president. Election to be run through the POPAI website again.  Vote by acclamation will be held at the fall conference.

Awards and Recognition

CJ is the chair-he reported nominations for all awards.  Chosen ones shared with board.  CJ moved to accept nominations, Sarah seconded and all voted.  Motion passed.

Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative

Linda reported no updates.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

JRAC Meeting held 8/4/17 at 1pm.  Adam reported that five new methadone clinics will be opening across the state and someone will be present at the next meeting to update.  Adam reported that Recovery Works reported that in 2018 they are on task to spend 24 million dollar budget. PSI sharing with MH agencies also discussed.  Incentives and Sanctions also discussed.  Diversion and pretrial issues will be discussed at future meetings.  Adam also reported that the Sheriff’s Association did a survey of all counties regarding jail population.  At the time of the JRAC meeting, 51 of the 92 counties had responded and local jail populations-pretrial and violation of probation lead the number of jail populations, then F6 charges.  Use of short term incarceration for sanctions was brought up and will be diverted to the EBDM committee.


Adam and Troy reported that Dave Powell wants to change legislation for the ability for additional prosecutor diversion costs to be recouped-as statute doesn’t currently allow for this. Linda shared the following information:  Courts are required (Indiana Code 35-38-1-28(c)) to order defendants convicted of misdemeanors and felonies to be fingerprinted immediately after sentencing if not previously arrested and processed by the jail.  This is necessary for improved data in the Criminal History Repository maintained by the Indiana State Police. Attached is a sample order that can be used or modified to ensure all defendants are fingerprinted, even those cited into court. *NEW* Statewide Juvenile Expungement Petition and Order forms The Juvenile Benchbook Committee has approved statewide Juvenile Expungement forms to replace Forms D-16.04 and D-16.05. Juvenile Probation Officers are requested to include the Petition in their probation closure letter to juvenile probationers.

Old Business

Changes to DOC staffing: Deb Braun is leaving 8/11/17 and Liz Darledge has been appointed interim in her place.  Site audits will consequently be delayed 60 days. Contractors job descriptions-Linda sent these out to the board.  Everyone was asked to read their specific job descriptions and provide feedback

New Business

Workload/Caseload Measures: Troy proposed that POPAI could potentially take this on and share information with IOCS.  Discussion held. Strategic Plan:  The plan is to accomplish as much as we can in the four hour time block at POPAI-not all has to necessarily be completed. DNA collection:  Cherie reported the advisement doesn’t start until after January 1, 2018 according to April Coughman.  This is in regards to anyone collecting DNA having to give information on how to have the DNA expunged.

Next Meeting

Annual Meeting of Association Membership at POPAI fall conference: 9/7/17 during lunch. Executive Board Meeting at POPAI fall conference: 9/8/17 immediatly after closing session.