POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 06/08/2016
10:31am EST
- Linda Brady, President
- Adam McQueen, Vice President
- Christine Kerl, Treasurer
- Mignon Ware, Secretary
- Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
- Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
- Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
- Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
- C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
- Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
- Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
- Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
- Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
- Greg Werich, Chief Exec Committee
- Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
- Kory George, JDAI Representative
Secretary's Report
Linda asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the Executive Board meeting minutes from May. Bob asks for clarification to the meeting minutes under Legislation. Discussion. Cherie makes a motion for correction of the meeting minutes from “doesn’t” to “does”. CJ seconds. All in favor. Motion carries
Treasurer's Report
Christine reports that as of May 31, 2016 the amount in the checking account is $64,466.48 and the amount in the savings account is $17,036.20. Taxes have been completed and filed. The budget report is reviewed showing we are in line with projections. Recent deposits have been made, membership dues collection increased, and the bill was received and paid for Glenna’s (Lobbyist’s) services for 2016. C.J. motions to accept the Treasurer’s report. Brian seconds. All in favor. Motion carries
May showed the most brisk job submission month ever as many positions opened up. General maintenance plus fine tuning on security and some to-do list items rounded out the website work for May. Karen continues to work diligently to resolve the daily fake user registrations and fake job posting before we see them. Karen suggested an idea for members only area – virtual space (she would be the webmaster) – an area to address social media strategies by department, ask how to improve social media presence, department facebook profiles, etc. This would be a resource to all POPAI members. There is no cost for this area since it uses the Member's Only structure we already have.
Susan emailed membership list by district to the Board Members, showing status (paid, past due, if entire department is past due, etc); Chief PO by county and their membership status; final column signifies intention of member with pending status. Linda requests that Susan email the Board with responses from departments who aren’t members. Discussion. Claim pending status was created, by Karen, to assist with managing the membership database. Discussion.Education
Susan reports on the Management Institute attendance: 16 New Chiefs, 78 Management Institute, and 68 for the CPO Summit. Income from the training totaled $12,375.00. No current tally of individuals who paid). Expenses for this training totaled $13,194.01. Susan isn’t ready to submit an invoice for reimbursement at this time. Discussion. Linda asked if attendees who registered as paid dues members for the conference, but aren’t, were contacted and payment adjustments made? Susan will recheck and give a report at the next Board meeting. Scheduling for 2017 Management Institute needs to be determined. The PO Annual Meeting will not be the first week of May. Waiting to hear from IJC when will be set. PO Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2016. Susan reports on Fall Conference planning. The Education Committee recently met via conference call. The summary is: the keynote speaker is set, agreed on the closing but checking on speaker availability. DOC staff was invited to the Fall Conference and will be in attendance. Will contact Corporate Members to determine interest in hosting activities, dinner, giveaways, etc. Joe will be the liaison for Corporate Members at the Fall Conference. Registration material will be sent out in the next week or so. Linda advises that Cheryl Sweeny (from Bloomington, Corporate Member) wants to do something regarding Vivitrol at the conference. Troy and Linda will meet with her and report back to the Board. Discussion. This will be POPAI’s 20th Anniversary conference. Susan suggested to have a t-shirt design contest and provide shirts as the giveaway to all attendees. Susan will send out an email regarding contest. Will also offer conference attendees the early bird registration again this year.
Chief's Executive Committee
Greg – no report
Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update
Kory reports that 13 counties have had meet and greats for stakeholders. Each site is working on the review of the baseline year. The expectation is to have the foundation work done by the fall of this year. The next JRAC meeting is set for Monday June 20, 2016 at 2:00pm and is open to the public. JDAI is partnering with DMHA and Systems of Care for a training offered Monday June 13 and Tuesday June 14 in Indianapolis, IN. Kory will forward the link to the Board Members. A request was made to the Board members for consideration. JDAI would like to have a table, at no charge, at the Fall Conference to disburse brochures and other literature. Discussion. Linda says this is a State sponsored program, they aren’t a vendor. Discussion. No objection from members of the Board. Kory will communicate with the JDAI rep who will attend the fall conference.
Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
No update. Next meeting July 12, 2016. Troy said there hasn’t been any information or feedback sent to the Education Committee regarding the PO Annual Meeting. Discussion. Linda wanted to know what the gaps are in training from the PO Annual Meeting so can be offered at the POPAI Fall Conference. Discussion. 1) status of recertification for IRAS and IYAS. Discussion. 2) Individuals would appreciate better communication from IJC. 3) Updates on Incentives and Sanctions project. Troy proposed adding meeting minutes to the IJC website from the PO Advisory Board meetings. Linda asked if any POPAI Board member was interested in taking on the role of voting member on the PO Advisory Board. To be an extra voice and be assigned to one of the three subcommittees. Anyone with an interest needs to contact Linda. Cherie is interested but wants to wait because of upcoming Board elections. CJ is interested in the position. Sarah and Troy will send him the next PO Advisory Board information. Linda will advise IJC of CJ’s attendance.Election
An intent to run form was received for Secretary. Deadline for submitting intent to run forms is July 8, 2016. The form was posted to the website. Even numbered Districts, President and Secretary positions are up this year.Awards and Recognition
C.J. - no report. Will contact Karen to update /make changes to the form, and will submit and article for the website.
JRAC Legislative Committee met. Recommending some changes for 2017 session. Linda sent Draft Legislation to POPAI Board for input. Some feedback was received from a few county Judges. Consensus – shouldn’t be “convicted of” a new offense, but rather “committing”. Legislators start drafting in the summer. Larry Landis wants all people in the CJS to be expanded to all persons in the system not just felons. Discussion on jail overcrowding concerns; caseload numbers; state level committee EBDM to give a definition of recidivism; user fees are down in most counties causing a strain for departments – lack of user fees are affecting the security of probation; community corrections doesn’t have a minimum salary schedule; probation is a low cost supervision alternative but must look at the impact probation is having. The next JRAC meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 20 10am-2pm and is open to the public. Linda, Adam, and Christine will attend. Marion County Community Corrections will give a presentation.
Old Business
A meeting was held at the IJC on May 23, 2016. It was a combined meeting of 1) the State Pretrial Release Committee (chaired by Judge Surbeck, with Justice Dickson); 2) Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Pretrial Committee (chaired by Justice David); and 3) Pretrial Pilot Counties. There are now 9 pretrial pilot counties including 5 of the 6 EBDM Counties (Hamilton, Hendricks, Jefferson, Tipton, Bartholomew but not Porter). The other 4 pretrial pilot project counties are Monroe, Allen, St. Joseph, Starke. The Indiana Judicial Center will be distributing grant funds (between $50,000 to $90,000) to Allen, Jefferson, Hamilton, Hendricks, and Monroe to start the pilot project. EBDM Pretrial Work Group will convene a meeting on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 from 9:00am-3:00pm in Indianapolis (exact location TBD) to identify areas of pretrial change. For those familiar with EBDM processes, this meeting will focus on the use of the logic model to identify change targets for pretrial. Indiana EBDM Initiative – The Risk Reduction Strategies Committee meets 9:00am-3:00pm Friday June 17, 2016 at IJC. Meetings are open. Next meeting of EBDM State Team is June 22, 2016 9:00am – 4:00pm at IJC. Indiana’s current technical assistance grant from NIC ends this June. Indiana is applying for a Phase VI EBDM grant. Linda indicates there is no progress on the Board, Committee Member, and/or Contractors Job Descriptions.
New Business
Linda said that Todd McCormick has applied for Life Member status. Christine motions to accept. Joe 2nd. All in favor. Motion carries Linda will contact Todd to advise of membership status change. Christine suggested that due to the balance available in the checking account that we (the Board) offer hotel, scholarships, etc for the fall conference. Another suggestion was to offer 20 early bird registrations scholarships to celebrate the 20th Anniversary year. Information for application would be forwarded to all POPAI members. The Chief Probation Officer must approve of the application. Discussion. Christine motions to provide 20 early bird scholarships to eligible POPAI Members for the 2016 Fall POPAI Conference in French Lick, IN. Cherie seconds. Discussion. All in favor. Motion carries Christine will post an article on the website.
Next Meeting
The next Executive Board Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:30am EST at the Marion County Probation Office South