May 17, 2023

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 05/17/2023

Troy called the meeting to order at 10:30 am.


  • Troy Hatfield, President
  • Andria Geigle, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Jack Odle, District 2 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
  • Rupert Strawbridge, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Heather Malone, At-Large
  • Jennifer Lampert, At-Large
  • Adam McQueen, Past President
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership and Website Administrator
  • C.J. Miller
Secretary's Report

Troy asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the March Secretary’s Report.  (We did not have an April meeting.) Heather moved to accept the March Secretary’s Report.  Lindsay seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Andria provided the March and April Treasurer’s Report. As of March 31, 2023, the balance in checking was $89,193.92 and $17,084.42 in savings. As of April 30, 2023, the balance in checking was $93,466.64 and in savings $17,084.55. Cherie motioned to accept the March and April Treasurer’s Report. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Andria stated the taxes were filed and Quicken does match the bank. She has researching other options for an accountant and has an upcoming meeting scheduled. We discussed our tax-exempt status and this is one priority of discussion with another accountant.


Membership is starting to reach the current paid limit in our bulk mail program: MailChimp. Karen sought and received permission to go up to the next level when membership raises us to it.

Karen created the Privacy Policy and will clean it up further then send the link to the Board for review and consideration at the next meeting.

Karen presented an opportunity to seek bids from 3 marketing companies for a brand style guide. Board Members have a link to an example of such a document. Permission was given to seek 3 bids for consideration next month


Membership as of May 2, 2023:  1,179 Total Current; 1,035 POs; 24 Corporate; 104 Other

Credit card users paid fees for Management Institute and there were no complaints. Since there are very few credit card purchases for membership outside of conferences, we will limit credit card use to conference registration times. Gear will still be through PayPal.

Lindsay stated we sold out of the quarter zip tops and have ordered more. The banner is being created. Once created, it and the table cloth will be ordered.


IACCAC proposed partnership- The collaboration date will be Wed, Aug 23 at the Drury Inn. This will be for the CPOs and Community Correction Directors. Topics are being currently being discussed (resource sharing, local JRAC, Opioid funds, etc). Discussion followed regarding POPAI’s cost for the one-day training.  At this point, we agreed to pay for room cost, the technology (projector, etc) cost and 50% of the break service. The estimate is $2500 and Troy will have additional information as we progress. Mike made a motion that POPAI pay for the expenses (room cost, AV costs and half of the break service) for the Wed IACCAC Training. Jenny seconded. All were in favor and motion carried.

Other topics suggested: consolidated counties, truancy

Andria discussed if we need to add to the 2024 budget and how to add to Quicken.   Discussion followed. She can make a notation of such for 2023 and we can then determine we need to add for 2024.

2023 Fall Conference – French Lick, September 20-22. The contracts have been signed for 2024 and 2025 also.  Anthony has received 8 presentation proposals already and the deadline is June 2. He discussed options for the opening session and breakout sessions.

Anthony asked permission to secure the 2024 opening speaker, Tall Cop. He would then remain for a break out session on the opening day. The board was in agreement.

Lindsay explained the Thur night ideas for the fall conference. French Lick offers a lip sync contest and discussed the costs associated. Anthony explained the cost associated with offering a cash bar. A discussion followed.  Anthony will explore options for the sponsorship, etc for a cash bar. Anthony will continue to explore the options for Thur evening (lip sync, trivia, etc) and discuss.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

April meeting was cancelled and next meeting is scheduled July 11.


VP – Susan Bentley resigned as POPAI VP and Hendricks County CPO. She contacted Troy today to advise him she believes she will be employed soon as a probation officer in another county. Troy advised us of the 120-day guideline to fill a vacant position and the requirements to be a board member, according to the Bylaws. Discussion followed. Per the Bylaws, the vice president position will be posted. Karen will post the information and offer an intent to run form on the website. Applicants may alternatively complete a word document Intent to Run and return it by email.

The odd number districts, vice president, treasurer and at large seat #1 will be open in 2023.

The intent to run forms are due by August 7 and the slate will be posted by Aug 22. Karen will post all the information on the website.

Awards and Recognition

The Charlie Knepple Scholarship recipient has been determined and the plaque will be awarded next week at the IOCS Conference. Cherie will notify the winner and email the other applicants. We will discuss any future adjustments to the application/scoring guide in the future.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Troy stated the next meeting is on 5-19.

(April Meeting – discussed the racial equity study, technical assistance being offered, developing a website for local JRAC to assist w/ EBP, home detention data being received, juvenile oversight committee, etc)


The legislation section on the website has been updated and since the session is complete Troy will not need to update it further.

Old Business

Salary scale- Troy met with the subcommittee of Judges. He shared the received information from the latest survey.  He was asked to provide some additional information and will do so.

The 2024 salary scale has not been released. Any salary scale amendments would not occur until 2025.  Discussion followed regarding our current salary proposal. Troy suggested we table our discussion until the 2024 probation officer salary has been released.

New Business

APPA Summer Institute – discussion regarding attending virtually. No motion was provided at this time, but could be submitted in the future.

Troy will prepare the quarterly letter soon.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, June 14 @ 10:30am at the Hamilton County Probation Services.