March 10-2021

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 03/10/2021

Adam called the zoom meeting to order at 9:32 am.


  • Adam McQueen, President
  • Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
  • Lindsey Villalpando, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Linda Brady, Past President
  • Esther Kaelin, JDAI Representative
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator
Secretary's Report

Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the February Secretary’s Report. CJ moved to accept the February Secretary’s Report. Michael seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

CJ provided the February Treasurer’s Report. As of February 28, 2021, the balance in checking was $63,321.34 and in savings $17,080.85. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

A discussion followed regarding the recent communication with the accountant regarding our tax information.


Karen stated we have transitioned to the new website host. Thus far, she’s had a great experience with the new system.

She sent the full report to the board prior to the meeting. She has updated the calendar. Anthony has been providing Karen updated information, which has assisted both of them. She will continue to try to streamline the process for Anthony and CJ.


As of March 3, 2020: 956 total members, 882 POs, 19 Corporate, 55 Other.

Karen discussed all the issues with the tax documents and stated CJ has put a lot of time/effort is trying to answer/resolve the issues.

Karen has been working w/ the membership data and PayPal.

Karen discussed correction officers who have signed up to be POPAI Members. Are they voting members, should they be advised of such, etc? The By-Laws state POPAI Members must be a certified probation officers. We discussed the current and potential trend with correction officers requesting to be a POPAI Member. It was suggested that we offer one membership, instead of 2. That would be a By-Law Change.

CJ made a motion, as of 2022 we offer one membership fee of $25. Michael seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Karen has been trying to add the chief and assistant information for each county to her data.



Anthony said registrations are continuing, but the numbers are significantly lower than last year. Thus far, we have 24 for orientation, 17 for Thursday, 43 Thur/Friday.  

Anthony said Karen will help monitor the chat room.  

Anthony has been in contact with French Lick about the possibility of an in person fall conference. Due to Covid, they have already made certain changes and those were discussed with Anthony. Anthony said they suggested our conference would be in the newly added section. There are 4 ballrooms that could be opened at once to assist with social distancing.  

A discussion followed regarding an in person fall conference. A suggestion was a survey to the chiefs to see how many in the department would attend. Anthony can also look into the cost to offer the training virtually. Karen will prepare a survey, add on survey monkey and send to all chiefs.

 We have 6 vendors who have created virtual spaces. One vendor will offer a random gift card prize. Anthony will purchase a couple Amazon gift cards as prizes and coordinate with CJ.


Chief's Executive Committee

No report

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Esther stated:

  • JDAI and JCC counties are in the process of presenting their grant applications to the Grant Review Board.  Local sites are doing some really creative and innovative things to support youth!
  • At the State Steering Committee Meeting in February, we released the 2020 Annual Results Report data.  Comparing each site’s 2020 data to their baseline year, the 32 counties experienced:
    • 77% reduction in admissions to secure detention for all youth; 76% for youth of color
    • 63% reduction in felony petitions filed
    • 69% reduction in average daily population for all youth; 65% for youth of color
    • 80% reduction in commitments to the DOC for all youth; 79% for youth of color
    • Overall, youth of color were 2.8 times more likely than white youth to be admitted to secure detention
  • In partnership with several JDAI Local Coordinators, the JDAI State Team and DOC are revising the Performance Measures and hope to have new ones in place this fall
  • There is a group of Local Coordinators working to plan the Coordinators’ Conference planned for September

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

The next meeting is in April.

Sarah stated the email was sent by IOCS for conference registration. She also reminded everyone to submit the CEU information. IOCS has asked for pictures from counties so they include on the virtual conference.



Heather said she will prepare the announcement for the elections next month. Karen will let her know which positions will be open and the information that was used in the past.


Awards and Recognition

Charlie Knepple Scholarship Application has been posted. Bob discussed the length of time for the committee to make the decision.


Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

February 26 was the last meeting. Adam stated there were a few presentations. He stated the power point presentation is available from the meeting minutes and encourages everyone to review. The title is Covid 19 – Funding.

He said there was a discussion regarding HB 1068, which creates a local JRAC. If it passes, the local counties shall convene a meeting as of July 2021. SB 217 has expired. NIC has contracted with Mimi Carter for a review of EBDM.

Trial Court Technology is developing a data system that will interface with Incite and the local jail systems. The system will be piloted in: Howard, Hendricks, Vigo, Dubois, Grant. Chris Cunningham and Bill Watson are participating on the CC side.


We are still hoping to have probation officers and community corrections officers added into the legislation regarding the local GIS System. The request is our addresses will be excluded in the local/public GIS System (public property data websites).

 The other bill we are watching involves adding probation officer to the bill concerning contraction of Covid during our line of duty. This will provide probation officers additional protection.

Bylaws & Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee

A few of the board members met by Zoom and made updates to the strategic plan. Adam sent the info to Sarah and after they are able to discuss, he will be able provide.

Race & Gender Fairness Commission

Lakisha was not available, but sent her report: 

CFRGF met on February 19th: 

Members discussed the impact of January 6th attacks on the Nation’s Capital. Members also spent time to discuss the most recent event of racial tensions that took place amongst Indiana State legislators on February 18th at the State house.  Those discussions were a reflection of the journey we have as a commission to address ongoing racial tensions that plague our nation and state.  

The Commission voted to accept responsibility of drafting Indiana Call to Action Plan in our efforts to ensure racial equity and fairness within the Judicial System. We developed a committee to begin the process and will be meeting in the next few weeks. I have volunteered to be on this committee.  We will be using the New Jersey Plan (call to action) to guide us in developing our commitment to eliminating barriers to equality within the Courts and Judicial System. 

We had a little discussion on the following bills: 

HB 1120 Judicial Nominating Commission<>

HB 1453 Judicial selection in Lake and St. Joseph< 

SJR 16 Judicial nominating commission<



Old Business

Sarah asked about the mentoring project with Brian Riggs and we plan to have an answer next month.

New Business

Life Membership for Joe Hooker, who will be retiring on April 1. He has been a probation officer for 43 years.  

Linda made a motion to approve Joe Hooker as a life member, effective April 1, 2021. Troy seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. If there is an article that has been/will be posted, we will repost on the POPAI Website.  

Bob asked if any counties swear in their probation officers, please send the info to him. He also asked if counties could send staff evaluation to him.



Next Meeting

Wednesday, April 14 @ 10:30am by zoom.