February, 2018

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 02/14/2018



  • Adam McQueen, President
  • Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Susan Bentley, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
  • Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
  • Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Linda Brady, Past President
Secretary's Report

Melanie moved to accept and  Michael seconded. Motion carried-report accepted

Treasurer's Report

CJ reported  Savings: $17,049.31 as of 1/31/17.  Checking: $ 78,532.04 as of 1/31/17.  Cherie moved to approve, Bob seconded, all voted-motion carried.


Karen sent this report out this week.    Troy had nothing new to report and reminded of article posting when it’s your time.

Susan R. not present- Troy reported 955 total members.  884 POs, 19 Corporate and 52 other. Linda Brady brought up Life Membership Nomination for John Thorstad who is retiring from Probation 3/1/18. He has been a dues paying member for at least 20 years.  Susan B moved and Sarah seconded, all voted and motion carried.  Linda to update the database and notify.


Management Institute confirmed for 4/12/18-4/13/18 at Drury Inn in Indianapolis.  Susan R has arranged topics to include: social media, records retention, IOCS updates and more.   Fall Conference in French Lick confirmed for 9/5/18-9/7/18.   CPO Orientation will be 4/11/18 at IOCS.  IOCS requested POPAI send a list of names of tentative people to attend.   Troy to send Susan R an email with the information.

Chief's Executive Committee

Meeting scheduled on  1/12/18 at 11am at the Dutch Café in Peru IN was canceled due to weather.  Greg to reschedule.  Greg not present today.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Kory absent.  Sarah reported information from Nancy-JDAI is watching a pending bill for incidents that occur at school.   Nancy advised there is a recommendation for a summer study committee and JDAI is waiting for that.  Intersite Conference in May.  Coordinator Conference will be held in September.  PTTB train the trainer session will be held this year as well.   Adam reported POPAI got an invite to join Juvenile Community Corrections  model stakeholder work group and he accepted.  This meeting was held 2/5/18 and Adam was unable to make it.  He will attend the next one in March.  Susan B. reported  Conditions of Confinement group met on 1/25/18 and updated group on items not confidential.  Next meeting is 4/10/18.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update
Annual Conference will be May 9, 10, and 11.  Agenda has not been sent out yet.  Sarah emailed IOCS to check on status.  Hot Topics Committee is working on quality assurance tool.  Education Committee is working on Annual Meeting.  Supervision Committee is working on the website.    Next meeting is 4/10/18.  Two spots now open on this board due to retirements if anyone knows anybody interested, send names to Sarah.

Melanie P.  has no updates.

Awards and Recognition

Bob received all information from C.J. and Bob will be working with Karen to coordinate nomination emails.

Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative

EBDM: Last meeting held 1/19/18.  NIC has decided to open up the Technical Assistance for Indiana’s EBDM to an RFP process.  It is expected the earliest this Assistance could begin is April, 2018.  The top three priorities for the State level TA will be: 1. Pretrial pilot project, 2. Incentives and Sanctions, 3.  Expansion of Prosecuting Attorneys Pretrial Diversion Program.  The Communication Work Group has proposed a centralized website for all of Indiana’s EBDM infor.  Although the State team approved this website, we are still more than a year away from that happening.  Next State Committee Meeting to be 3/23/18.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

JRAC Meeting: last held 1/19/18 and Recovery Works was discussed, specifically pilots on misdemeanor population.  Pending bill exists now and is currently with the Judiciary Committee-hearing held this morning.  Next meeting is 2/23/18.


Adam reported on House Bill 1421 which involved School Discipline.  Those that reported back had mixed feedback.  The Children’s Policy and Law Initiative of Indiana is requesting POPAI send a letter of support for the bill.  Due to a less than 24 hour turn around on this letter needing submitted, Adam did not provide a letter at the time of the request.  POPAI has been again asked to provide a letter of support if the Bill makes it past the third reading.    This bill proposes to reduce out of school suspensions and limit referrals to law enforcement.  This bill adds a definition of positive discipline as well and recommends an Interim Study Committee on this topic.  Discussion was held on this topic.  Consensus was POPAI supports the framework and intent of the bill, but not it being forced on school districts.  At this point, the bill as POPAI interprets it is only asking for a summer study committee at this point and POPAI supports more exploration of the topic.  Adam will seek clarification from requestor on exactly what is needed in the letter and report back. Linda moved and C.J. seconded to give Adam the authority to act after clarification is sought. Troy provided a list of pending bills to all.  Between Senate and House bills, there are 22 bills.  Summary provided.

Old Business

Strategic Plan:  Adam reported no updates. Workload Measures:   Sarah and Troy reported a meeting is scheduled on 2/26/18 at IOCS.  IACCAC, IDOC, POPAI and IOCS will be represented. Policy and Procedure Bylaws: committee will meet and is made up of Troy, Adam, Michael, Sarah, and Melanie.  This committee will be meeting today following POPAI meeting and met after last meeting as well.  Clean up is currently happening on Bylaws. Juvenile Defense Strategic Planning Committee:   No updates.

New Business

Adam reported NPJS training is provided and Hendricks County agreed to serve as a site but, 30 participants are needed to fill a class at a minimum.  Various training topics are provided for training for Juvenile probation officers.  Adam to send to Nancy to see if JDAI sites would be interested. Michael reported The Veteran’s Court of Indiana is looking for POPAI to post a nomination opportunity on the website.  Michael will write something up for posting. Sarah reported 7/25/18, The Chief Justice will be hosting a state wide Opioid awareness meeting at the convention center.  Sarah is on the planning committee and they met 2/12/18. Cherie moved to adjourn,   Michael seconded. Motion carried.  Adjourned at 12:21pm

Next Meeting

3/14/18 at 10:30am at Marion County Probation South Office.