October 14, 2015

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 10/14/2015

Ryan opened the conference call meeting at 10:31 am.


  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Steve Keele, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • C.J. Miller, District 5 Rep
  • Joe Hooker, District 6 Rep
  • Brian Sharp, District 7 Rep
  • Cherie Wood, District 8 Rep
  • Troy Hatfield, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator

Secretary's Report In Mignon's absence, Cherie asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the 9/17 and 9/18 Secretary's Reports. Adam made a motion to accept the 9/17 and 9/18 minutes. Brian seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.

Treasurer's Report Christine was not available so she provided the Treasurer's Report to the board prior to the meeting. As of 9/30/15, POPAI had $67,736.79 in checking and as of 9/30/15, $17,033.65 in savings. Per the budget report submitted by Christine, we are our track with the 2015 budget. Bob asked about the additional money in the line item for the Charlie Knepple scholarship and Ryan advised it was the expense of the plaque. Cherie motioned to accept the October Treasurer's Report. Brian seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.

Membership Susan  has been working with Linda and Karen to update the member information. Most members have been updated in the system and we currently have 866 total members. They will continue to work on this.

Education Susan provided her 2015 Fall POPAI Conference Report. We had 388 attendees and 27 corporate members. There were 318 who paid the early bird registration. We have approximately $11,000 in outstanding registrations that have not been paid, but Susan is working on those. She made 2 deposits within the past 3 days and will have 2 more today. She will submit her claim, per the report provided, to Christine within the next 2 weeks. A discussion followed regarding the evaluations and plans for the 2016 conference. Susan stated one negative response was we did not offer enough break out sessions. As a board, we had made the decision to only offer 2 sessions since we had the keynote speaker there for the duration of the conference. If we plan something similar in the future, we will plan for 3 breakout sessions. She will send the board the link to the evaluations because that information is online. Since the attendance continues to increase at the fall conference, Susan has asked the hotel to provide a larger area for us to have the meetings. She also stated next year will be the 20th year for POPAI's Fall Conference so she would like to plan something special around that milestone. If anyone has any suggestions for a keynote speaker for next year, please contact Susan or your district representative.

Chief's Executive Committee Greg provided is report to the board by email. He stated: October 8, 2015 TO: POPAI Board FROM: Gregory Werich, Chief Executive Committee chair RE: Annual Report on Committee Activities 2015 On August 8, 2003 the POPAI Board created a standing committee called the Chief’s Executive Committee to serve the unique needs of chief and supervising probation officers. The vision behind the creation of this committee was to fulfill what many executive probation officers felt is lacking in Indiana: leadership in education/training, networking, and practical support for chief and supervising probation officers. Soon after that the committee organized with a written mission statement and goals; The mission of the Chief Probation Officer's Executive Committee is to innovatively and collaboratively promote the highest level of professionalism within the Probation administrator's role and responsibilities. Goals: ‐to expand and improve training opportunities for CPOs and management staff utilizing local, state and national resources; ‐to improve timely communications between probation administrators; ‐to provide mentoring services and technical assistance to probation administrators; ‐to develop and advocate solutions for funding, programming and effective operations; ‐providing a state forum for the timely sharing of national trends and development within the probation industry. Since then the committee created the new chief orientation training as need, and a management institute every year since 2004. The committee does not meet regularly except at the annual POPAI meeting in conference and at the Management Institute. We have begun to meet annually in winter for the purpose of finalizing plans for the upcoming Management Institute. We also communicate by e-mail throughout the course of the year as needed. Any POPAI member who holds a position as chief, assistant chief or probation officer supervisor may participate as a committee member. Individuals who have participated by meeting or e-mail this past year are (in the order as I read my notes on who participated at various times) : Susan Rice, Heather Bozell, Troy Hatfield, Linda Brady, Eric Zimmerman, Christine Kerl, Cherie Wood, Donna McElroy, Carole Kinder, Jesse Carlton, Ken Mace, Paul McGriff, Sarah Lochner, and Greg Werich. We offered our New Chief Probation Officer Orientation on April 15, 2015 at the Indiana Judicial Center. We offered our Management Institute this year on April 16, 2015 at the Sheraton at the Keystone and focused on supervision in an Evidence Based Practice World. This theme was continued for our Chief Summit and held on April 17, 2015. As chair of the committee, I thank POPAI for its support of this standing committee and its endeavors as we strive to meet the needs of probation officers through their chief, assistant chief and supervisor probation officers.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update Kory provided the JDAI report by email to the board. Adam went over the report with everyone. The report: JDAI Report for POPAI Meeting 10/14/15 Submitted by Kory George  Annie E. Casey National Intersite Conference: Indiana sent a team of thirty three delegates to Phoenix, Arizona in late September, seven of which presented. During the conference Justice David was presented with the Annie E. Casey Foundation Distinguished Systems Leadership Award. Santa Cruz Site Visit: Fourteen Probation Officers will be visiting the Santa Cruz, California JDAI model site. Two members of the State staff will also be attending. JDAI State Executive Team Meeting: The State Executive Team will meet on 11/05/15 to discuss a variety of topics including the expansion of JDAI. JDAI Expansion Meeting 11/12/15: This meeting will provide information to potential new counties regarding what the AECF JDAI model consists of and what that might mean for their jurisdictions.  In addition, I (Kory) will be speaking on a panel of current local JDAI stakeholders to discuss the successes, barriers and experiences of Wayne County as part of the JDAI journey. JDAI State Staff Changes: All JDAI State Strategists are now employed by the Indiana Judicial Center; whereas prior three of the four were IDOC employees, while the other was an IJC employee. Now the IJC oversees and houses all JDAI State Staff.  In addition, the Indiana Judicial Center had an application opportunity for two JDAI Juvenile Justice State Strategist which closed on 9/21.  They received 50+ applications and are currently going through the interview process with hope to have two Strategists on board by 11/15 in preparation for the upcoming expansion of new JDAI counties. Any questions, comments or suggestions may be sent to me at kgeorge@wayneco.us or by phone at 765-973-9279  

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update Troy stated the meeting is scheduled for next week so he will have a full report at the November POPAI meeting. He discussed the upcoming regional meetings and reminded everyone the topics will be focusing on Evidence Based Treatment/Disabilities/Options in your region.

Election Brian did not have a report.

Awards and Recognition Linda submitted articles for the website for the 2015 Founder's Award, PO of the Year and Rookie of the Year. She also sent Karen mini articles to post on the Awards Page for the winners.

Legislation Adam did attend the JRAC Meeting yesterday and reminded us that Linda continues to do a wonderful job representing POPAI. He stated packets were passed out to the members and D. Braun spoke regarding the recommendations. She also commented there will be a conscious effort for more collaborative funding in the future. Any county who receives money from this grant will become their base grant amount. He stated out of the 60 community corrections grants, 41 would receive funding and out of the 35 probation requests, 14 will receive funding. All applicants should be notified by the end of next week if they will receive funding or not. Linda was attending the Corrections and Criminal Code Interim Study Committee meeting today and the final meeting is scheduled for 10/27. She will have an update for us at the November meeting. Ryan asked if anyone was interested in joining the Legislation Committee and gave a brief explanation of the expectations. Sarah and CJ both stated they were interested. Ryan will advise Linda of this.

Technology Ryan stated Karen has been handling any matters that may arise. Karen: added pictures to the website from the fall conference, bios on the winners and their pictures, posted the updated by laws, added the new board members, and etc. The main focus for October will be programming the Annual Invoices.

Old Business Ryan stated we need to continue working on the job descriptions and board members, committee members and contractors. With the many legislation changes, this has been put to the side. Susan has been talking to Greg Ponchot regarding future leadership training for POPAI members. She made a proposal/discussion to the board at the September meeting and that will be tabled for the in person November meeting.

New Business Linda had the Committees determined and they will be: JDAI - Kory Chief's Executive - Greg (Chair), Susan and Troy Awards and Rec - Sarah (Chair), Steve, CJ, Bob and Brian Membership - Ryan (Chair), Troy and Susan Education - Mignon (Chair), Cherie, Joe, Adam, Susan and CJ Election - Brian (Chair), Bob, Sarah and CJ Legislation - Linda (Chair), Christine, Mignon, Greg, Ryan, Adam and Eric Technology - Ryan (Chair), Susan and Linda (ex-officio) PO Advisory Board - Ryan Sarah asked if it would be beneficial for board member who is on the Advisory Board Education Committee to also be on the POPAI Education Committee. A discussion followed. CJ motioned to accept the proposed committee chair and members, excluding the Education Committee. Steve seconded. All were in favor, motion carried. Ryan will discuss the suggestion from Sarah with Linda. Troy said Linda wanted the board to think about allowing IJC and/or other POPAI consultants access to certain areas of our database/website.

Next Meeting The November Meeting will be held at the Marion County South Office on November 5 @ 10:30 am. Glenna will be in attendance at the November meeting. Cherie motioned to adjourn. CJ seconded. All were in favor, motion carried.