July 10, 2019

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 07/10/2019

Adam called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.


  • Adam McQueen, President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
  • Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Susan Rice, Training Coordinator
  • Linda Brady, Past President

Secretary's Report Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the June Secretary’s Report. Andrea moved to accept the June Secretary’s Report. C.J. seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report C.J. emailed The Board the June Treasurer’s Report. As of June 30, 2019 the balance in checking was $58,735.80 and in savings $17,066.10. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Heather seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. C.J. also provided The Board the updated 2019 budget.

Membership Michael stated they will start contacting the counties who do not have any current POPAI Members. He also stated many his area are interested in liability coverage for the officers. As of July 3, 2019: 992 total members, 917 POs, 21 Corporate, 54 Other.

Education Susan stated we have over 100 registered for the fall conference at this time. Things are good with finalizing the agenda. Tommy Rieman will be the closing speaker. Adam suggested a break out session on an implicit bias. French Lick will be handle the “Amazing Race” for those who are interested. At this time, it will cost $10 per person to participate. The vendors will sponsor a 80s night. We will plan to close the registration during the opening session and the apparel will be available after the opening session. Susan stated the dates for the Management Institute will be March 12-13. Susan will check with IOCS about a new chief orientation on March 11.

Chief's Executive Committee The next meeting will be at breakfast on Friday morning of the Fall Conference. Adam suggested having a new CPO Mentoring Program.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update Sarah stated the coordinator conference will be on 9-26 and 9-27. At 1:30 on the Thursday after IOCS Conference JDAI will be hosting the viewing of the movie “13th”. It will be at the historical society and they are inviting others. The next steering committee meeting will be on the 9th.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update Heather said she attended her first meeting yesterday. Don Travis attended the meeting and discussed some proposed changes for juvenile probation. They voted in the language for standards. They are adding juvenile case plans, which must be uploaded in Kids Traks. The juveniles are to be seen once a month if the child is not is a secure residence. PI/PDR/Modification Instructions PI Section VI: Family and Living Arrangements E. Summary of Family and Living Arrangements: The objective of this section is to provide the court with information to help determine the appropriateness of the home for the youth pending adjudication/disposition. The probation officer should inquire about the youth’s relationship with family members, their ability to follow rules imposed by their parents, and the amount/type of supervision provided. If there are other non-delinquent court cases involving the youth (i.e., paternity, custody, etc.), the case numbers should also be noted in the section. If the probation officer has reason to believe that the youth or other minor siblings in the home are unsafe or are experiencing abuse or neglect, the probation officer shall make a report to the child abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-800-5556. If the probation officer identifies ongoing risk or needs of siblings or other children in the home, the probation officer should recommend voluntary services to the family for additional help and support. Any concerns identified should be noted in this section along with any recommendations made for voluntary services. PDR Section V: Family and Living Arrangements E. Relationship with Family Members: The objective of this section is to provide the reader with information about the youth’s relationship with their family members and the amount of support received from the family. Parental and family information will provide insight as to whether the youth has a strong family support system that can help reduce the likelihood that the defendant will engage in future criminal behavior. This section should also include information on whether or not the youth typically follows the rules/expectations of his parents and their response(s) when he/she doesn’t. If there are other non-delinquent court cases involving the youth (i.e., paternity, custody, etc.), the case number should also be noted in the section. If the probation officer has reason to believe that the youth or other minor siblings in the home are unsafe or are experiencing abuse or neglect, the probation officer shall make a report to the child abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-800-5556. If the probation officer identifies ongoing risk or needs of siblings or other children in the home, the probation officer should recommend voluntary services to the family for additional help and support. Any concerns identified should be noted in this section along with any recommendations made for voluntary services. Modification Section IV: Social History A. This section provides a snapshot of the youth’s family and living arrangement as it correlates with recidivism. Select the youth’s Family and Living Arrangements Domain Level from the Indiana Youth Assessment System (IYAS) as “low”, “moderate”, or “high”. If the youth was assessed using the Disposition Screening Tool, select “N/A-Screening Tool completed”. The objective of the narrative section is to provide a summary of the youth’s current family and living situation, including who they are currently residing with. Any issues or behavior problems in the home should be noted. If the probation officer has reason to believe that the youth or other minor siblings in the home are unsafe or are experiencing abuse or neglect, the probation officer shall make a report to the child abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-800-5556. If the probation officer identifies ongoing risk or needs of siblings or other children in the home, the probation officer should recommend voluntary services to the family for additional help and support. Any concerns identified should be noted in this section along with any recommendations made for voluntary services. Indiana Probation Standards Review of DCS Case Plans (Juvenile Case Plans Only) If a child is placed in an out-of-home residence or facility that is not a secure detention facility, the child’s case plan shall be reviewed and updated by the probation department at least once every one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of the child’s first placement paid for by DCS. Citation: IC 31-37-19-1.5 Contact Standards (Juvenile Cases Only) If a child is placed in an out-of-home residence or facility that is not a secure detention facility, the child shall be seen fact-to-face on a monthly basis (each calendar month) by a probation officer. Each face-to-face meeting must be well-planned and focused on issues pertinent to case planning and service delivery to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of the child. Citation: Social Security Act Section 422(b)(17) Case Audits and Quality Assurance (Juvenile Cases Only) If a child is placed in an out-of-home residence or facility that is not a secure detention facility, and or services that are paid for by DCS, the child’s case may be randomly selected to participate in a quality assurance review process. The Quality assurance review process will be compliant with federal Child and Family Service Review (CFSR) standards and will evaluate the services the child and family received. A team of two or three trained professional reviewers who have not been previously involved in the case will look at the family’s probation case and/or DCS record and conduct a series of interviews with service providers and other individuals. The reviewers will use information gained through the review process to make recommendations for improvement to the child welfare system, juvenile justice system, service delivery, and education and training programs. The results of the review, minus any identifying information about the family will be shared with appropriate DCS staff, Office of Judicial Administration staff, local probation department, and service providers working with DCS for the purpose of making improvements in system design, service deliver and education and training programs. Case audits and quality assurance. It was decided 4 cases will be pulled per year. IOCS and the Probation Services Consultant will be auditing the cases. This will be 4 across the State, not per county.   There was a tie in one district so a discussion occurred on how to break the tie in the future. They voted on the Augustus Award. Susan suggested the Augusts Award information be sent to the Judges as well as the CPOs. Education – A discussion about the new exam and the clicking noise while taking the test. It was discussed about providing ear plugs to those taking the test. April 27-29 will be the dates for the IOCS Conference. The suicide screener has been added to the new orientation training.   Hot Topics – Melanie stated they are working on ICOR, trying to determine what stats should be added to the report. An example would be if someone is deceased (natural causes, overdose, etc). This is a long term project. Basically, they want to rework the report so it shows more of what probation is actually doing. Heather suggested a break out session on statistics. Supervision – They are putting together a list of the screeners that are being used across the State. The plan is those will then be placed on the IOCS website.   IOCS is working on the pretrial summit on October 4. The Interstate Compact Staff is providing training across the State. If you want the training, you can call and request such.   Criminal Rule 26 was discussed the difference in “should” and “shall”. The Board agrees it is suggested, but not mandated, that the pretrial begin in 2020.    

Election The following Letters of Intent were received: Vice-President: Troy Hatfield, District 7 Treasurer: CJ Miller, District 5 Mary Mahurin-Miller, District 6 District One: No Letters of Intent received District Three: No Letters of Intent received District Five: Melanie Pitstick, Marion County Susan Bentley, Hendricks County District Seven: Michael Coriell, Floyd County Intent to Run Forms were due by Sunday, July 7. We currently do not have an Intent to Run for District 1 and District 3.

Awards and Recognition Bob is on vacation, but updated Cherie on the status. Laporte County Probation has been attacked by a computer virus. Due to this, he has been unable to check emails, etc. He is concerned others may have submitted applications for the Charlie Knepple Award. We currently have received a few applications and the deadline is Friday. He is suggesting we postpone the deadline to July 17 and ask Karen to send an email to the members advising them of the extended date and to send the applications to Cherie Wood. If the Board approves, he will contact Karen to do so. Everyone agreed to extend the deadline. Karen sent an email about the awards for line officer of the year, rookie of the year and the Founder’s Award. We will ask Karen to advise the members to send these applications to Cherie as well. She will be sending another email as a reminder.

Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative EBDM Professional Development Committee – The next meeting will be Monday and Adam plans to attend. Adam discussed CTP and the potential elimination of such. Linda suggested the counties who are concerned about CTP, they contact their legislators.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC) Adam stated POPAI shared the fall conference date as our information to report at the last JRAC Meeting. The next meeting will be September 27. Linda stated the hope is the pretrial certification process will be submitted by December so it can go into effect as of January 2020. HEA 1065: Establishes a jail overcrowding task force. They must present a report by December 1, 2019. She is unsure who will be on this task force. Incentives/Sanctions – The hope is to have a manual for the best practices. August 23 is the next meeting.

Legislation No report.

Technology Karen sent the report prior to the meeting.

Old Business Sarah suggested we schedule meeting to discuss the strategic plan. Workload Measures - Mary Kay’s position has not been filled so no update. Juvenile Strategic Plan - Lakeisha stated no update. Amicus Brief: Hendricks County filed the reply brief and we are unsure of any updates. Adam discussed the liability for current probation officers. Adam stated the advice he received is the insurance would not be needed due to the quasi-judicial immunity for officers. A discussion followed and agreed Adam will discuss with APPA. Susan had requested the information from APPS and Andria provided the info. Adam will ask if they have insurance for the members and/or if they are aware of any other states who have such. Discussion tabled. The donation fund will continue to be discussed in the future.

New Business There have been many emails regarding a credit card system for apparel at the conferences. A discussion followed. Sarah made a motion that we do not offer a credit card payment this year and revisit next year. Heather seconded. Mignon suggested if we do consider this for the following year that we purchase the equipment for POPAI, (that a board member not use their personal phone/etc). C.J. suggested if we do plan to discuss this for 2020 that we do so in January or February. All were in favor. Motion carried. Linda asked if POPAI wants to sponsor the Pre Trial Summit in October. Heather made a motion that we do not and Michael seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Sarah suggested we add corporate membership dues to the discussion for the November/December agenda. Everyone consented and meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting Next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 6 at the IOCS Training. C.J. will ask Susan to send the information for lunch.