January, 2019

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 01/09/2019

Adam called the meeting to order at 10:35 am.


  • Adam McQueen, President
  • Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Lakisha Fisher, District 4 Rep
  • Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
  • Andria Geigle, District 6 Rep
  • Michael Coriell, District 7 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Kory George, JDAI Representative
  • Linda Brady, Past President

Secretary's Report Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the December Secretary’s Report. Melanie moved to accept the December Secretary’s Report. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report C.J. emailed The Board the December Treasurer’s Report. As of December 31, 2018 the balance in checking was $67,818.10 and in savings $17,060.24. Cherie motioned to accept the Treasure’s Report. Melanie seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. The Budget Committee met before the meeting today. Troy emailed the board members the proposed 2019 Budget and then stated the changes. Due to an anticipated request by the lobbyist, we proposed an increase in that line item. The budget anticipates approximately $10,000 more in expenses than in income. A discussion followed regarding the unexpected expenses/income and ideas for cost savings. Troy made a motion to approve the 2019 Proposed Budget. Sarah seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Membership No report. Michael stated he hopes to start promoting POPAI to officers across the state.

Education Lakisha stated the executive training for Pre Trial will be on April 12, which is the date of the Management Institute. Adam discussed offering a preregistration for the fall conference and to include in the specific tracks in the registration. We discussed the best avenue to estimate the number of attendees for the fall conference. Adam updated the members on the date for the trip to Belterra. Troy emailed Susan the name of the board members who plan to attend. The 2019 POPAI Fall Conference will be September 4-5-6. The 2019 IOCS Conference will be August 6-7-8. The POPAI Management Institute will be April 11-12.

Chief's Executive Committee Troy discussed the Friday breakfast meeting at the fall conference. Greg schedules this meeting each year to discuss suggestions/concerns from management across the state. Troy explained some of information discussed in September. Troy, CJ, Sarah and Cherie met with Janice Wade, the chair of the education committee of POAB, on January 8. Troy summarized that meeting and the plan for us to move forward. Once the new director is named, we would like to schedule a meeting with the new director and Justin. The next meeting will be Friday, January 25 @ 11am at Dutch Café in Peru.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update Kory stated the grants for the JDAI sites are due January 31. The condition of confinement meeting is January 10 so he will update the board at the February meeting. Kory provided everyone the CPLI (Children’s Policy Law Initiative of Indiana) Briefing Paper, which suggests the minimum age (12) for a juvenile to be placed in a secure detention facility. A discussion followed regarding the differences around the state for juveniles. Sarah asked if JDAI could provide the numbers of the juveniles, who would be affected, across the state. Michael motioned to table the vote until we have additional information from Kory or other resources. C.J. seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Decision regarding the briefing paper has been tabled. Troy stated the deadline for Bills to be introduced is January 10. Kory stated he learned a lot from the juvenile competency meetings he attended and stated this would be a good topic at a future conference.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update Melonie stated the PO Orientation will be April 8-10, 2019 and October 8-10. The plan for the 2020 conference will be in May. As of January 1, 2019 each department will have suicide training, per the new standards. There are two videos available on the IOCS website regarding suicide. Hot Topics is working on the stats provided by the quarterly report and data that would be more helpful. C.J. stated the probation officer exam is scheduled to be on line in April. February 26 will be the next training on peer coaching (about 10 counties involved). They discussed supplemental assessments that are currently being used. Please email C.J. if you use any additional assessments (adult, juvenile, etc). Sarah stated they discussed the risk assessment recertification and the validation/reliability of the assessment. The IRAS Task Force is actively working on the data, etc. EBDM is working on a state wide strategic plan.

Election No report.

Awards and Recognition Bob asked if the award date for the scholarship will be changed since the annual meeting date has changed. C.J. motioned we move the date of the Knepple Award to coincide with the IOCS annual meeting. Cherie seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. Bob asked the committee members to review the current scoring form used and to send suggestions by email. If we need to schedule a phone conference, we will do so.

Indiana Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) Initiative Juvenile Defense Strategic Plan Committee - Lakisha stated the last meeting was in December and there are not any future dates at this time.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC) Recovery Works should be the gap coverage and the agencies were reminded to continue to assist clients with insurance coverage. A presentation was provided in support for the additional funding of for DOC grants and Recovery Works. JRAC supports legislative requests for increased funding in both of these areas. The most recent number provided is 77% of Indiana jails are above or at maximum capacity. There is proposed legislation concerning the level 6 felons. A defendant who has 2 prior unrelated felonies or the offense falls under the current violent offender offense, the defendant could be sentenced to DOC. This would be at the discretion of the Court. The other proposed legislation states defendant in community corrections may be deprived of credit time due to violations. Linda stated the next EBDM State Committee will be February 1, 2019. March 31 is the deadline for the proposal for those who are interested in technical assistance. The professional development committee will meet January 22 @ 10am.

Legislation Troy prepared a summary list of bills for us to watch. He will continue to monitor these. There are a few that relate to public safety officer and he will follow to see if probation will be included, under that definition. Notify Troy if you have other bills you would like him to monitor.

Technology Karen sent everyone the updated report prior to the meeting. Troy reminded everyone to post their article when scheduled. Karen has been receiving notices about upgrading to a new server and she plans to do so soon.

Old Business Troy discussed the donation fund that was originally discussed at the December meeting. Melonie is the chair of the donation committee and will send those members an email. We discussed purchasing a conference call phone and decided to not do so.

New Business Amicus Brief is a friend of the court brief. An attorney contacted Karen through the website and Karen then forwarded the information to Troy. A discussion followed. Troy will summarize the additional information he receives and send to the board. After that information is received/discussed, we agreed we can vote on by email.

Next Meeting Next meeting will be at the Marion County South Office on Wednesday, February 13 @ 10:30 EDT.