December 9, 2020

POPAI Board Meeting Minutes for 12/09/2020

Adam opened the meeting, conducted through zoom, at 10:32 am.


  • Adam McQueen, President
  • Troy Hatfield, Vice-President
  • C.J. Miller, Treasurer
  • Cherie Wood, Secretary
  • Robert Schuster, District 1 Rep
  • Heather Malone, District 2 Rep
  • Sarah Lochner, District 3 Rep
  • Mike Small, District 4 Rep
  • Melanie Pitstick, District 5 Rep
  • Mignon Ware, District 8 Rep
  • Melonie Coan, PO Advisory Board Rep
  • Anthony Williams, Training Coordinator
  • Linda Brady, Past President
  • Karen Oeding, Membership Coordinator and Website Administrator

Also In Attendance:

Lakisha Fisher

Secretary's Report

Adam asked if everyone had an opportunity to review the November Secretary’s Report. CJ made a motion to accept. Mignon seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

CJ provided the November Treasurer’s Report. As of November 30, 2020, the balance in savings was $17,080.44 and $72,655.13 in checking. Cherie made a motion to accept and Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

CJ also provided the updated budget report.


As of December 2, 2020: 1,011 Total Current; 931 POs; 22 Corporate; 58 Other

Karen said she has matched up the membership list with the fall conference list. She is also working with the spread sheet to assure the data is current, especially when additions/deletions. She will work with Anthony on the apps for the upcoming conferences.


2021 Virtual Management Institute – We discussed and tentatively set dates for March 17, 18 and 19. Adam will contact IOCS about the new chief training date. We have seven new CPOs at this time.

IOCS Justice Services Conference will most likely be 4-28 and 4-29 for ½ day and then 3-4 virtual days throughout the month. This has not been confirmed.

Whova Platform is the system we plan to use for the upcoming conferences. Costs: $1,399 per event (discount for multiple events) + $1,550 for all add-ons. Both events with add-ons would cost $5,074.00. Zoom Video Webinar (500 attendees) is $140 per month.

Troy made a motion that we purchase the license for the Whova Platform for both events (Management Institute and Fall Conference) for the cost of $5,074.00. CJ seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Chief's Executive Committee

The plan is to meet in on January 29 in Peru.

Juvenile Delinquency Alternative Initiative (JDAI) Update

Esther provided the report:

  • We are re-designing the Annual Results Report and sending out a survey to the State Steering Committee for input on what data the Indiana network would like to see reported regularly.  While we will still report the data points we do now, this is an opportunity to build upon the capacity that exists to report good quality data across all sites.
  • Through the Juvenile Justice Reform Task Force interviews with youth justice system stakeholders are being conducted across the state.  JDAI counties are well represented in this initial phase that is focused on understanding Indiana’s capacity and infrastructure for data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • Due to the IDOC merging juvenile parole with adult parole, we are surveying sites to understand which sites currently reinstate jurisdiction of youth and if there is a need for support or resources to increase this practice.

Probation Officer Advisory Board Update

Heather Malone & Sarah Lochner. There has not been a meeting since our last board meeting.

Awards and Recognition

Karen and Bob communicated about the IOCS dates because of the Charlie Knepple Award. The information will be sent in January or February.

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

CJ attended the last meeting. The next meeting is on Friday so Adam will have a report at the January board meeting. (Topics for Friday: Racial Equity, local JRAC Legislation that was has been drafted)


Bill request deadline to LSA was December 8, 2020 and the session begins January 4, 2021.

We expect legislation for local JRAC (requiring local communities to have a board). A discussion followed.


Karen sent everyone the report prior to the meeting. Stated we’ve had the normal flow of traffic on the website and the jobs page continues to be the most visited. She will contact IOCS about their training of dates so she can add those to our calendar. She recently attended training on coding that is useful for our website.

Race & Gender Fairness Commission

Lakisha stated she is on the education committee. They met on Dec 2 and discussed training for the judicial staff (probation and community correction included). Training for biases on gender and ethnicity both were discussed. She asked how POPAI could spark interest in this type of training topic.

As of December 8, she has been appointed to serve on the commission.

Adam discussed the letter that was written in response to concerns about potential biases in the pretrial tool.

Budget Ad Hoc Committee

Troy Hatfield stated we (Adam, Troy, CJ and Cherie) met on December 4 via Zoom. He updated the budget and emailed it to the board prior to today’s meeting.

Cherie made a motion that we accept the 2021 proposed budget. Heather seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Old Business

Leadership and mentoring project with Brian Riggs – Brian sent a RFP since our last meeting. Sarah said Brian can adjust the training according to our needs. She believes it will add value to our membership and train our future POPAI leaders. A discussion followed regarding the cost and the time frame of the training.

Adam suggested that we invite Brian to speak to us at one of our board meetings. Troy suggested that we communicate with the mentors and mentees who have already expressed an interest. This is more structured and probably more time commitment than initially discussed so we want to verify the continued interest. Sarah said Brian had discussed sending information to those who are interested. A discussion followed regarding how people are matched. Sarah will ask Brian to join us on our January 13 meeting.

APPA Virtual Conference in February – We currently have 16 members + 1 board member entered so far. We will revisit this is in January to determine the amount we want to spend for the membership to attend. An email will be sent to the membership the first week of January.

Sarah made a motion that we spend $250 for a gift card/shopping experience for Susan. Bob seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

New Business

Quarterly Update Letter to Members – Adam sent the letter to everyone and requested any suggestions be sent to him by noon on Thursday. The hope is for it to be ready to send to the members as of Friday.

Andria asked if committee members are only for board members and Troy said any member can be. She said she would like to remain on the committees.
Bob reached out to his local GIS staff and was told if you are deputized to serve summons, you can be removed.

Linda thanked everyone who responded to her email regarding probation officer salaries. She will continue to gather information to advocate for local probation and community service officers/staff.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. EST via Zoom