Home visits are an important part of an offender’s probation fulfillment; here’s how probation officers can stay safe before, during and after the visit

For probation officers, conducting home visits offers a unique opportunity for a glimpse into the private world of their clients.

As a sentencing option for judges, probation provides an alternative to incarceration, and consequently, the home becomes a focal point for family, social and community adjustment. In fact, a suitable and stable home goes a long way in allowing the offender to concentrate on treatment needs, employment, leisure time activity, and garnering family support. Lack of a stable home furthers the case for chaos and delays a probationer’s progress in completing a court-ordered probation plan.

During a traditional office visit, probationers step into the officers’ domain. During a home visit, however, officers enter the offenders’ world. While officers want to catch offenders doing something right and not something wrong, officer safety becomes the number one consideration.

Preparation and planning prior to conducting a home visit are important keys toward ensuring safety.

See full article for Tips for a safe home visit